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hoeveelheden van




humorale immuunresponse.






Volgens een studie van Bansal en collega's duiden afwijkingen in de hoeveelheden

van diverse B-cel-ondersoorten wellicht op een rol voor auto-immuniteit in ME/CVS.


Bradley, Ford en Bansal observeerden

  • relatief hogere concentraties naïeve B-cellen
  • (B-cellen die die nog niet blootgesteld zijn aan/geactiveerd zijn door de antigeen),

  • lagere aantallen transitionele B-cellen
  • (B-cellen die recent het beenmerg hebben verlaten) en

  • lagere concentraties plasmablasten (de voorlopers van plasma B-cellen,
  • gevormd bij blootstelling aan de antigeen, bijv. virus of "lichaamseigen" antigeen).





Cherie L. Green, John Ferbas and Barbara A. Sullivan (2012).

B Cells in Health and Disease – Leveraging Flow Cytometry to Evaluate Disease Phenotype and the Impact of Treatment with Immunomodulatory Therapeutics,

Clinical Flow Cytometry – Emerging Applications, M.Sc. Ingrid Schmid (Ed.),

ISBN: 978-953-51-0575-6, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/38288.









Altered functional B cell subset populations

in patients with ME/CFS compared to healthy controls

Clin Exp Immunol. 2013 Apr;172(1):73-80. doi: 10.1111/cei.12043.

Bradley AS, Ford B, Bansal AS.





Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

is a heterogeneous disorder of unknown aetiology characterized by

disabling fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbance and several other symptoms.


The onset of CFS may follow a viral infection or period of stress.


Patients with CFS do not have hypogammaglobulinaemia,

predisposition to recurrent bacterial infections or symptoms of autoimmunity.


To date, defects in B cell numbers or function

have not been shown in the literature.



treatment with anti-B cell therapy using Rituximab

has recently shown benefit to CFS patients.


We therefore postulated that

patients with CFS had a subtle humoral immune dysfunction, and

performed extended B cell immunophenotyping.


We undertook a detailed characterization of

the proportions of the different B cell subsets

in 33 patients with CFS fulfilling the Canadian and Fukada criteria for CFS and

compared these with 24 age- and gender-matched healthy controls (HC).


CFS patients had

greater numbers of naive B cells as a percentage of lymphocytes:

6,3 versus 3,9% in HC (P=0,034),

greater numbers of naive B cells as a percentage of B cells:

65 versus 47% in controls (P=0,003),

greater numbers of transitional B cells:

1,8 versus 0,8% in controls (P=0,025) and

reduced numbers of plasmablasts:

0,5 versus 0,9% in controls (P=0,013).


While the cause of these changes is unclear,

we speculate whether they may suggest a subtle tendency to autoimmunity.