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de Meirleir:

biopsies van twaalfvingerige darm

wijzen op immuunresponse

tegen endogene retrovirussen








Volgens een gisteren verschenen studie van prof. de Meirleir en collega's

wijzen specifieke immunologische markers op (plasmacytoïde) dendritische cellen

bij 8 van de 12 biopties van de twaalfvingerige darm van ME-patiënten op

een (overmatige) immuunresponse tegen (humane) endogene retrovirussen.


(Humane) endogene retrovirussen (kortweg HERV's) zijn retrovirussen

die zich geïntegreerd hebben in het genoom van onze voorouders (ca. 8% van ons DNA).


Normaliter leidt de aanwezigheid van deze "overefde virussen" niet tot problemen,

maar volgens deze studie lijkt het er op dat deze humane endogene retrovirussen,

mogelijke getriggerd door andere infecties, zoals Epstein-Barr virus

bij een deel van de ME/CVS-patiënten een reactie van het afweersysteem uitlokt.


Deze afwijking is volgens de auteurs niet karakteristiek voor ME/CVS,

maar komt ook in andere ziekten, zoals de ziekte van Crohn.


Volgens een studie van Huber en collega's die enkele dagen geleden verscheen (toeval!)

is er geen sprake van verhoogde transcriptie (genexpressie) van HERV-K18

noch van reactivering van humaan herpesvirus HHV-6 en HHV-7-infecties,

hetgeen vreemd lijkt gezien de visie van Komaroff t.a.v. de rol van HHV-6/7 in ME/CVS


Mogelijk zijn de tegenstrijdige bevindingen (de Meirleir e.a. versus Huber e.a.)

terug te voeren tot verschillen in meetmethoden (antilichamen versus genexpressie) of

het feit dat de twee onderzoeksgroepen andere zaken onderzochten (darmen vs. bloed).








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Enkele citaten uit het studierapport:



HERVs are remnants of ancient retroviral infections

that integrated into the germ line and are now transmitted vertically (27).


Not including the long interspersed elements (LINE) and other retrotransposons,

HERVs constitute approximately 8% of the human genome (28).




Gastritis (mainly antritis) was present in all cases and

routine histological examination showed

a lympho-plasmatic infiltrate in the submucosa in all specimens.




[W]e observed that

approximately 44% (15.7/35.6) of the duodenum-associated pDCs

in the eight ME cases were immunoreactive to antibodies against HERVs.




These observations suggest that the presence of the HERV protein in pDCs

may be associated with a pathological manifestation

in at least a subset of individuals with ME.




These data suggest that our observations in subjects with ME

may not be unique to this disease

but may, in fact, be common to diseases

characterized by chronic inflammation.


A potential dysregulation of pDCs

may suggest an explanation for

a number of other clinical observations associated with ME.


As stated previously,

pDCs are most remarkable for their ability to produce copious amounts of type-I IFN.






Plasmacytoid dendritic cells in the duodenum of individuals diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis are uniquely immunoreactive to antibodies to human endogenous retroviral proteins.

In Vivo. 2013 Mar-Apr. 27(2): 177-188.


Kenny L. de Meirleir, Svetlana F. Khaiboullina, Marc Frémont,

Jan Hulstaert, Albert A. Rizvanov, Andrs Palots, Vincent C. Lombardi.






Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a debilitating illness of unknown etiology

characterized by neurocognitive dysfunction, inflammation,

immune abnormalities and gastrointestinal distress.


An increasing body of evidence suggests that

disruptions in the gut may contribute to the induction of neuroinflammation.


Therefore, reports of human endogenous retroviral (HERV) expression

in association with neuroinflammatory diseases

prompted us to investigate

the gut of individuals with ME for the presence of HERV proteins.


In eight out of 12 individuals with ME,

immunoreactivity to HERV proteins was observed in duodenal biopsies.


In contrast, no immunoreactivity was detected in any of the eight controls.


Immunoreactivity to HERV Gag and Env proteins

was uniquely co-localized in hematopoietic cells

expressing the C-type lectin receptor CLEC4C (CD303/BDCA2),

the costimulatory marker CD86 and

the class II major histocompatibility complex HLA-DR,

consistent with plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs).


Although the significance of HERVs present in the pDCs of individuals with ME

has yet to be determined,

these data raise the possibility of an involvment of pDCs and HERVs

in ME pathology.


To our knowledge,

this report describes the first direct association between pDCs and HERVs

in human disease.





Myalgic encephalomyelitis, ME, human endogenous retrovirus, HERV,

plasmacytoid dendritic cell, pDC.



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