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in combinatie met

een ontoereikende











Zoals al vaker gesuggereerd is, lijkt het erop dat ME/CVS gekenmerkt wordt door een pro-inflam-

matoire (Th1) immuunresponse én een sterke, maar ontoereikende anti-inflammatoire (Th2) response.


Dit beeld kwam in een studie van Sorenson, Jason en collega's vooral tot uiting waneer de afweer-

cellen gestimuleerd werden met fytohemagglutinine (PHA) en phorbol-12-myristaat-13-acetaat (PMA).


Volgens de onderzoekers duidt de sterke relatie tussen de pro-inflammatoire (Th1) response en IL-10,

een anti-inflammatoire/Th1-'remmende' cytokine, op een ontoereikende 'dempende' Th2-response.


De Sorensen-studie vermeldt de onderlinge samenhang (correlaties) tussen diverse cytokines,

maar vermeldt niet hoe sterk de pro-inflammatoire (Th1) immuunresponse op zichzelf is.


De Hornig-studie liet zien dat de inflammatoire response in het begin van de ziekte sterk aanwezig is,

maar dat de productie van pro-inflammatore cytokines na 3 jaar onder het normale niveau ligt.



Navraag leert dat de cytokine-levels in de toekomst in een apart artikel gepubliceerd zullen worden.





Dit karakteristieke (?) beeld wijkt af van dat van MS en gezonde 'proefkonijnen'.





Dysregulation of cytokine pathways in chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis.

Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior. 2017 Jun 7. doi: 10.1080/21641846.2017.1335237

Sorenson M, Furst J, Mathews H, Jason LA.







Cytokine studies

in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

have yielded mixed findings.





This investigation evaluated whether network analysis of cytokine production

differs between patients with CFS and multiple sclerosis (MS)

as compared to a reference group of healthy controls.





Three subgroups (N=109) were included:

15 participants who met diagnostic criteria for CFS,

57 participants meeting criteria for MS, and 37 controls.


Peripheral blood was obtained and

production of a select cytokine profile was determined

from stimulated and unstimulated mononuclear cells.


Data were generated through the use of a multi-analyte bead suspension array.


Pairwise associations were determined for each group, and

these associations were used to create a graphical representation of the data.


The graph was clustered using an eigenvector community algorithm and

results visualized using edges to model the correlations by color and thickness

to show direction and strength.





The control and MS groups produced

a three-neighborhood relationship regardless of cell condition.


While producing a three-neighborhood relationship,

the MS group differed significantly from the control group

as it displayed stronger relationships among pro-inflammatory cytokines.


In contrast, the CFS group displayed a three-neighborhood solution when unstimulated.


However, when cells from the CFS group were stimulated,

a two-neighborhood model was found that exhibited stronger inter-cytokine correlations.


The model found in CFS was significantly different from that found in the control and MS groups.




CFS was characterized by a pattern of global immunologic activation using network analysis,

fundamentally different from those found for either MS or control groups.





Cytokines, chronic fatigue syndrome, fatigue, multiple sclerosis