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In een overzichtsartikel vatten Marshall-Grasdinik en anderen de T-cel afwijkingen in ME/CVS samen.


De conclusies van hun overzichtsartikel zijn:

  • De onderzoeksresultaten m.b.t. T-cel afwijkingen in ME/CVS spreken elkaar af en toe tegen.
  • Studies naar T-helper cellen, cytotoxische T-cellen en cytokine-profielen lijken zinvol.
  • Ook regulatorische T-cellen (T remmer-cellen en hun activiteiten) verdienen nader onderzoek.
  • Het onderkennen van subgroepen (ernst van de ziekte, start: plotseling/geleidelijk) lijkt vereist.



Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis and the potential role of T cells.

Biological Markers and Guided Therapy. 2014; 1(1): 25-38. doi: 10.12988/bmgt.2014.3122,

Hardcastle SL, Brenu EW, Staines DR, Marshall-Gradisnik A.





Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a multifactorial disorder

defined by symptom-specific criteria and characterised by severe and prolonged fatigue.


CFS/ME typically affects a variety of bodily systems, including the immune system.


Patients with CFS/ME exhibit significantly reduced Natural Killer (NK) cell activity

suggesting immune

which may be hallmarks of changes in the adaptive immune system,

potentially including T cell subsets and function.


The principal purpose of T cells is to regulate immune responses and maintain immune homeostasis.


These regulatory measures can often be compromised during illness and

may present in a number of diseases including CFS/ME.


This review paper examines the role of T cells in CFS/ME and

the potential impact of T cells on CFS/ME immune profiles

with an evaluation of the current literature.





Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fatigue, T cells, T lymphocyte, Cytokines