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géén effect op


en spierpijn,

wel op

spierkracht en









Volgens een studie van Sergej Ostojic en collega's heeft guanidinoazijnzuur (glycocyamine),

een voorloper van creatine, dat weer de basis vormt voor fosfocreatrine ("korte termijn-energie")

géén effect op vermoeidheid en spierpijn, maar heeft glycocyamine wel een duidelijk effect

op de maximale zuurstofopname en de spierkracht en een klein effect op mentale vermoeidheid.





De "proefkonijnen" in deze studie waren CVS-patienten.

Afgaande op de zuurstofopname (persoonlijke correspondentie) betrof het "lichte gevallen".

De vraag is of glycocyamine ook een effect heeft op zwaardere gevalen van "CVS".





Supplementation with guanidinoacetic acid in women with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Nutrients 2016, 8(2), 72; doi: 10.3390/nu8020072.

Ostojic SM, Stojanovic M, Drid P, Hoffman JR, Sekulic D, Zenic N.





A variety of dietary interventions

has been used in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS),

yet no therapeutic modality has demonstrated

conclusive positive results in terms of effectiveness.


The main aim of this study was to evaluate

the effects of orally administered guanidinoacetic acid (GAA) on

multidimensional fatigue inventory (MFI), musculoskeletal soreness,

health-related quality of life, exercise performance,

screening laboratory studies, and the occurrence of adverse events

in women with CFS.


Twenty-one women (age 39.3 ± 8.8 years, weight 62.8 ± 8.5 kg, height 169.5 ± 5.8 cm)

who fulfilled the 1994 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria for CFS

were randomized in a double-blind, cross-over design,

from 1 September 2014 through 31 May 2015,

to receive either GAA (2.4 grams per day) or placebo (cellulose)

by oral administration for three months, with a two-month wash-out period.


No effects of intervention were found for

the primary efficacy outcome (MFI score for general fatigue), and musculoskeletal pain

at rest and during activity.


After three months of intervention,

participants receiving GAA significantly increased muscular creatine levels

compared with the placebo group (36.3% vs. 2.4%; p < 0.01).


Furthermore, changes from baseline in muscular strength and aerobic power

were significantly greater in the GAA group compared with placebo (p < 0.05).


Results from this study indicated that

supplemental GAA can positively affect creatine metabolism and work capacity in women with CFS,

yet GAA had no effect on main clinical outcomes,

such as general fatigue and musculoskeletal soreness.





cellular bioenergetics; creatine; general fatigue; exercise performance