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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

Risk Factors, Management

and Impacts on Daily Life

(boek Nova Publisers)






Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

Risk Factors, Management and Impacts on Daily Life


Authors / Editors: Connor Hudson

Pub. Date: 2014 - 4th Quarter

Series: Neuroscience Research Progress

Binding: Hardcover

ISBN: 978-1-63321-961-8



Bij Nova Publishers verscheen onlangs bovenstaand boek over ME/CVS,

dat 6 hoofdstukken bevat die elk aan een bepaald onderwerp aandacht schenken.


Sommige hoofdstukken zijn geschreven door "ingewijdenen",

andere door "buitenstaanders" of "vermoeidheidsdeskundigen".


Het hoofdstuk geschreven door Judy Mikovits, die, tegen de stroom in,

nog steeds een belangrijke rol ziet weggelegd voor retrovirussen in ME/CVS,

is vrij gratis te downloaden. Klik op onderstaande logo voor dit hoofdstuk:






Book Description:


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) has no clear aetiology,

and is defined as severe and chronic fatigue that has lasted for more than six consecutive months,

which is not due to physical exertion or other medical conditions associated with fatigue.


CFS patients may suffer from four or more of the following symptoms:

post-exertional malaise lasting for more than 24 hours; tender or swollen lymph nodes;

recurring sore throat; unrefreshing sleep; significantly impaired short-term memory

and/or concentration; headaches; or joint pain.


Management practices have included

rest, pharmacology, cognitive behavioural therapy and/or exercise therapy.


This book discusses the internist's view on ME and complementary and alternative treatments.


It also explores

metal hypersensitivity as the cause of CFS;

illness perception and management in CFS;

exercise management practices; and

innate immune changes in the peripheral blood of CFS patients.




Chapter 1

The Internist’s View on Myalgic Encephalopathy and Complementary/Alternative Treatments (pp. 1-16)

Frank H. Comhaire.


Chapter 2

Metal Hypersensitivity As the Cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Case Report (pp. 17-30)

Jan Manousek, Lenka Privarova, Monika Pavkova–Goldbergova.


Chapter 3

Illness Perception and Management in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (pp. 31-40)

Susanne Fischer, Urs M. Nater.


Chapter 4

A Review of Current Exercise Management Practices for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (pp. 41-78)

Suzanne Broadbent.


Chapter 5

Management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Current Approaches and Future Directions (pp. 79-90)

Samantha C. Johnston, Donald R. Staines, Ekua W. Brenu, Sonya M. Marshall-Gradisnik.


Chapter 6

Innate Immune Changes in the Peripheral Blood of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients:

Risk Factors for Disease Progression and Management (pp. 91-130)

Deborah L.S Goetz, Judy A. Mikovits, Jamie Deckoff-Jones, Francis W. Ruscetti.







Met dank aan Manja.