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Through the Shadowlands

van Julie Rehmeyer

 in de voorverkoop









Het boek Through the Shadowlands beschrijft de zoektocht van Julie Rehmeyer naar antwoorden.


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Het boek verschijnt officieel op 23 mei, maar je kunt het boek nu in de voorverkoop bestellen.

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Through the Shadowlands -

A Science Writer's Odyssey Into an Illness

Science Doesn't Understand


Julie Rehmeyer


Hardcover: 288 pages

Publisher: Rodale Books

Publication Date: May 23, 2017

Language: English


SBN-10: 1623367654

ISBN-13: 978-1623367657




Science journalist Julie Rehmeyer was so sick

she sometimes couldn't turn over in bed.


The top specialists in the world were powerless to help, and

scientific research on her disease was at a near standstill.


She was running out of money.

And she was all alone, with no one to care for her.


Having exhausted the plausible ideas,

Rehmeyer turned to an implausible one.


She followed the advice of strangers she'd met on the Internet .


They struck her as crazy –

but they had recovered from chronic fatigue syndrome as severe as hers.


Leaving behind everything she owned, she drove into the desert,

testing the theory that mold in her home and belongings was making her sick.


Stripped of the life she'd known and the future she'd imagined,

Rehmeyer felt as though she were going to the desert to die.


But she didn't die.


She used her scientific savvy and investigative journalism skills

to find a path to wellness -

and uncovered how shocking scientific neglect and misconduct

had forced her, and millions of others, to go it alone.


In stunning prose,

Rehmeyer describes how her illness transformed her

understanding of science, medicine and spirituality.


Through the Shadowlands

brings scientific authority to a misunderstood disease

while telling an incredible and compelling story of

tenacity, resourcefulness, acceptance and love.