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Onderzoek ME Association:

CGT is niet effectief en

GET doet symptomen vaak toenemen








Een nieuw grootschalig onderzoek onder ME/CVS-patiënten, uitgevoerd door de

ME Association, toont wederom aan wat ME/CVS-patiënten al jaren, tot vervelens toe roepen:

  • gedragstherapie (CGT) werkt niet, want het probleem zit (meestal niet) in "verkeerde gedachten",
  • oefentherapie (GET) werkt vaak averechts, want inspanning doet het probleem (vaak) verergeren.


De onderstaande figuren en de oonderstaande conslusies zijn veelzeggend.


Maar liefst 74% van de (selectief) ondervraagden geeft aan dat GET de symptomen doet verergeren!






Enkele verstrekkende conclusies uit het rapport:


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)


We conclude that

CBT in its current delivered form

should not be recommended

as a primary intervention for people with ME/CFS.


CBT courses based on the model

that abnormal beliefs and behaviours

are responsible for maintaining the illness,

have no role to play in the management of ME/CFS and

increase the risk of symptoms becoming worse.




However, our results did indicate that,

when used appropriately,

the practical coping component of CBT

can have a positive effect in helping

some patients

come to terms with their diagnosis and

adapt their lives to best accommodate it.



Graded Exercise Therapy (GET)


We conclude that

GET should be withdrawn with immediate effect

as a primary intervention for everyone with ME/CFS.




A significant number of patients had been given advice

on exercise and activity management

that was judged harmful

with symptoms becoming worse or much worse and leading to relapse.




We recognise that it is impossible

for all treatments for a disease to be free from side-effects,

but if GET was a licensed medication,

we believe

the number of people reporting significant adverse effects

would lead to a review of its use by regulatory authorities.




Voor het volledige rapport, klik op onderstaande afbeelding: