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Invest in ME-

conferentie 2013:

Infection, Immunity en ME








Invest in ME organiseert dit jaar op 31 mei in Londen

haar 8e internationale congres met als thema "Infection, Immunity en ME".


Omdat immuunsysteem-dysfunctie en infecties de kern van het "probleem" vormen,

belooft de Invest in ME-conferentie wederom een zeer informatieve bijeenkomst te worden.


Laten we hopen dat 2013 het keerpunt vormt voor patiënten en dat "vermoeidheids-deskundigen" dit congres, het enige in zijn soort in Europa, massaal zullen bezoeken...




IIMEC8 - Infection, Immunity and ME - Mainstreaming ME Research


Research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis - specifically biomedical research into ME – has been receiving increasingly more attention from both major research institutes in several countries as well as national health organisations.


The Medical Research Council (MRC) in the UK, the Food & Drug Administration and Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in USA have created initiatives for new biomedical research into ME.


In Norway the Norwegian Health Directorate have allocated funding for biomedical research into ME following the 2011 double blind randomised clinical trial using Rituximab (Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody) by Fluge et al (PLoS 6:10.Oct 2011) to successfully treat ME patients.


There is increasing research evidence of immune dysfunction in ME patients.



The UK MRC states:


"There is now preliminary evidence supporting the view that

inflammatory mechanisms in the brain and spinal cord

may underlie the pathophysiology of some severe disease CFS/ME phenotypes.

Biobanks are now becoming available and create a unique opportunity for interrogation."



The IIMEC8 conference will show some of the major initiatives being taken to set up a collaborative strategy for biomedical research into ME to further this complex but exciting area of research leading to appropriate patient care and mainstreaming this field of research as well as this disease.