Dankzij de nieuwe categorie somatische symptoom-aandoening in DSM V,
kunnen alle mensen met een verklaarde of (deels) onverklaarde medische ziekte,
als "mentaal ziek" "gediagnosticeerd" worden
als zich in de ogen van de ("parttime") psycholoog/psychiater, "overdreven" zorgen maken.
De nieuwe categorie somatische symtomen-aandoening vervangt de DSM-IV categorieën
somatische aandoening, hypochondrie, pijnaandoening en somatoforme aandoening.
Het artikel is mede tot stand gekomen dankzij het noeste werk van Suzy Chapman,
die al jarenlang de ontwikkelingen rond DSM-V zeer kritisch op de voet volgt (klik hier).
Voor een vorige rubriek over dit onderwerp, waarin onder meer de harde kritiek van
dr. Allen Frances, die leiding gaf aan de totstandkoming van DSM-IV: klik hier.
Column: Is life itself a sickness in need of a cure?
By Robert Sibley, Ottawa Citizen February 20, 2013
Are you an inveterate nail biter?
According to the psychotherapy industry,
you probably suffer an obsessive compulsive disorder.
Sad that your dog died?
The Bible of the psychiatric industry says you may be mentally disturbed.
Grieving for your lost spouse?
Be careful to keep your lamentations reasonable
or you could be tagged as a victim of grief disorder in need of therapy and pills.
Such psychological labelling is increasingly common.
Indeed, psychotherapy has become one of the main technological tools
we use in our desperate pursuit of an untroubled life.
It's as if we have come to think of life itself as a sickness for which we need a cure.
As philosopher Leon Kass once observed,
the ultimate aim of psychotherapy, its all-encompassing purpose,
is "to order human experience in terms of easy, predictable contentment."
New Psych Disorder Could Mislabel Sick as Mentally Ill
By Susan Donaldson James
Feb. 27, 2013
"Anytime someone has a chronic illness, you have a fixation on your health,"
said Chapo-Kroger, who is president of the P.A.N.D.O.R.A. network,
an organization that helps those with poorly understood neuro-endocrine-immune disorders.
"Studies on people after heart surgery say they got depressed afterwards.
Who wouldn't when they face their own mortality?"
Critics worry that patients will be misdiagnosed as mentally ill and won't get treatment,
affecting mostly those with chronic and difficult to diagnose neurological disorders and multi-system diseases like ME/CFS,
ones that are poorly understood and can take years to get medical answers.
"A lot of people will be written off as crocks -- it's just in their head,"
said Dr. Allen Frances, who was chair of the task force that created the DSM-4 and professor emeritus of psychiatry at Duke University.
"They won't get the medical work-up they need. A lot of times they diagnose it as depression and anxiety and they get stigmatized."
Previously, a patient had to have multiple symptoms that were medically unexplained.
But the new definition does not distinguish between those that are unexplained or those associated with illness or injury.
However, where there is a physical explanation for symptoms, the diagnosis requires that other criteria, such as fear and distress, are met.
Some advocates, including
Suzy Chapman,
who runs a UK website monitoring the develop-ment of DSM-5 and ICD-11, are up in arms.
Chapman is a caregiver for a young adult diagnosed with ME/CFS 13 years ago.
"If the clinician considers a patient is spending far too much time on the Internet researching their symptoms,
or that their life has become dominated or overwhelmed by anxiety and health concerns,
or that their perception of impairment exceeds what would be expected given the nature of their illness,
they will now be at risk of a bolt-on mental disorder diagnosis," Chapman wrote in an email to ABCNews.com.