Prof. de Meirleir heeft de Invest in ME-konferentie en een perskonferentie
aangegrepen om zijn waterstofsulfide (H2S)-theorie te presenteren.
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Voor de presentatie Invest in ME konferentie klik op onderstaande afbeelding:
H2S is bij gezonde mensen in normale koncentraties ook in het lichaam aanwezig en vervult zeer belangrijke funkties,
zoals het doen verwijden van de bloedvaten, neurotransmissie (leren/onthouden) en het reguleren van de lichaamstemperatuur.
In te grote koncentraties, zeker als die aanhoudend aanwezig zijn,
is het gas zeer schadelijk voor het lichaam en ontregelt het essentiële funkties,
zoals de energie-aanmaak, de afweer, ontgifting en anti-oxidatie.
De aanwezigheid van H2S kan eenvoudig via een urinetest aangetoond worden.
Voor meer informatie over deze urine test, klik op onderstaand logo.
Binnenkort bij de verslaglegging van de Invest in ME-konferentie
zal ik dieper ingaan op dit onderwerp (mechanisme, gevolgen etc.).
Berichtgeving in de MEdia (klik op onderstaande logo's):
Research on extremely disabled M.E. patients reveals the true nature of the disorder
Kenny De Meirleir(1),
Chris Roelant(2),
Marc Fremont(2),
Kristin Metzger(2),
Henry Butt(3)
(1) Vrije Universiteit Brussel & HIMMUNITAS foundation, Brussels, Belgium
(2) Protea Biopharma, Brussels, Belgium
(3) Bioscreen & Bio 21, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
In this study we compared
totally bedridden patients (Karnofski score 20-30)
with less ill ME patients (Karnofski score 60-70),
family controls, contact controls and non-contact controls.
EBV, HHV6 and Borna virus titers were not different in the three groups.
Plasma LPS distinguished the groups, with the highest values in the bedridden patients.
LPS is a strong activator of the immune system
and high plasma concentrations suggest a hyperpermeable gut.
There are many possible causes for this,
but a lack of "local" energy production is one of them.
In a separate study (In Vivo, in press)
we observed intestinal overgrowth of Gram positive D/L lactate producing bacteria
which are also known to produce H2S in presence of certain heavy metals as a survival defence mechanism.
We therefore hypothesized that
the urine of the bedridden ME patients would contain more H2S derived metabolites
than the less ill and the controls.
Using a proprietary simple color change urine test this hypothesis was confirmed.
In the extremely ill,
urine added to the yellow color reagent immediately turns dark blue,
whereas in the less ill the reaction is slower and
in the controls no reaction occurs.
Being a potent neurotoxin, H2S induces
photophobia, intolerance to noise, mitochondrial dysfunction by inhibition of cytochrome oxidase
and depresses the cellular immune system and induces neutropenia and low numbers of CD8+ lymphocytes.
Its effects, at least in part explain the clinical condition of the severely disabled ME patients.
Furthermore the effects of the bacterial H2S
induces increased ROS production by the liver and
retaining of heavy metals particularly mercury in the body.
The latter is also neurotoxic, induces apoptosis and interferes with the aerobic metabolism.
Chronic increased production of H2S by intestinal bacteria leads to build-up of mercury in the body
as proven by a Zn DTPA/DMPS challenge test.
Finally in 20% of the ME patients (in the severely ill)
we found using a special luminescence technique aberrant prions which also interfere with the energy metabolism.
These patients have gone on to develop A.P.D. (aberrant prion disease, patent pending).
These aberrant prions give rise to a transmissible disorder.
10% of the A.P.D. patients have very high prion counts in their saliva and can directly transmit it to others.
APD patients can transmit these proteins via blood and likely also through sexual contact
which then can give rise to slowly developing aberrant prion disease.
In a separate experiment 40 healthy blood donors were screened for A.P.D.
One individual tested very positive, indicating that apparently healthy individuals can already be carriers and
that blood transfusion carries the risk of transmitting A.P.D.
In conclusion, ME is a disorder which is caused by increased endogenous H2S production.
For the latter many factors can be present.
Because of the effects of H2S in the body a chain of events will develop
which have more and more negative effects on the aerobic metabolism and
depression of the immune system leading to more and more infections and reactivation of endogenous viruses.
In its final stage aberrant transmissible prions develop which put the patients in a total energy depleted state.
bron: Jan van Roijen
Met dank aan Jan van Roijen, Brigitte, Rubia en talloze anderen