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gaat gepaard met

een scala aan symptomen

die ook tot

een andere diagnose

zouden kunnen leiden.






Een studie van Oliver en Patel onder CVS-patiënten levert opmerkelijke resultaten op:

  • Een CVS-patiënt heeft gemiddeld 38 symptomen! bij de eerste diagnose.
  • De meest voorkomende symptomen zijn: buikpijn, spierpijn, hoofdpijn
  • en cognitieve klachten (geheugen-/concentratieproblemen etc.).

  • 56% van de patiënten had minstens één andere medische aandoening, met name
  • psychische problemen, maag-/darmproblemen, ademhalingsklachten en spierklachten.

  • 30% van de CVS-patiënten maar voldeed ook aan de criteria van minstens één andere
  • medische aandoening die tot een andere (tweede!) diagnose zou kunnen leiden.

De conclusie: een andere medische diagnose sluit de diagnose CVS niet uit.


Dit laatste staat echter (deels) weer haaks op de eisen van de CVS-Fukuda-criteria,

hetgeen nog maar weer eens de grote tekortkomingen van die criteria onderstreept.




Co-morbid conditions in children with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) – a retrospective case note review of a large cohort.

Arch Dis Child 2012;97:A105 doi:10.1136/archdischild-2012-301885.248.

Oliver LM, Patel K.





CFS/ME is a complex illness,

causing severe incapacitating fatigue, physical and cognitive complaints and

is as disabling as many other serious chronic conditions.


The prevalence in children is estimated to be 0.2-0.5%.


The aim of this study was to take a cohort of children and adolescents with the condition

and determine the pattern of co-morbid conditions.





Our study took the form of

a quantitative and semi-qualitative analysis

undertaken as a retrospective case note review of

a cohort of 131 patients

attending a hospital based, consultant-led specialist CFS/ME clinic.


Patients must have been diagnosed with CFS/ME using NICE and RCPCH criteria

whilst under the care of a consultant paediatrician to be eligible to be included in the study.


Information gathered from their hospital notes included

basic demographics, CFS/ME diagnosis information and any co-morbid conditions present.





80% of patients were female which was as expected,

with CFS/ME acknowledged to be a female dominated disease.


The median age at diagnosisof CFS/ME was 14 years, and

there were a total of 38 different symptoms recorded at diagnosis.


Other than fatigue,

the most common symptoms were headaches, abdominal pain, musculoskeletal pain and

decreased concentration and short term memory.


56% of the cohort had at least 1 co-morbid condition.


There were

51 separate co-morbid conditions,

with the most common conditions

being psychiatric, gastrointestinal, respiratory and musculoskeletal problems.


30% of the patients had at least 1 co-morbid condition

that the RCPCH lists as a differential diagnosis of CFS/ME.





This is the first study

exploring co-morbid conditions in children and adolescents with CFS/ME.


More than half of the cohort had at least one co-morbid condition.


We wish to highlight to paediatricians that

the presence of a co-morbid differential diagnosis does not appear to exclude CFS/ME.