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d-ribose leidt tot

een aanzienlijke (subjectieve)


bij ME/CVS en fibromyalgie








Volgens een onlangs gepubliceerde studie van dr. Jacob Teitelbaum en collega's

leidt de inname van d-ribose tot een substantiële verbetering van kenmerkende klachten.


Uit een recente studie van Myhill en collega's bleek dat binnen de CVS-patiëntenpopulatie twee grote groepen te onderkennen zijn: één groep die de energietekorten compenseert via versnelde glycolyse (kramp/pijn), en één groep die via adenylate kinase energie produceert, waardoor ATP en ADP voor enkele dagen uit de roulatie verdwijnt (post-exertional malaise?).


Het zou zinvol zijn als in een toekomstige studie gekeken wordt wat de effecten van

d-ribose in de verschillende groepen en in hoeverre d-ribose het ATP-profiel doet wijzigen.





Uit de studie:


Adenine nucleotide adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

is the primary energy source of all living cells.


In tissues subjected to the metabolic stress

of hypoxia, ischemia, or mitochondrial dysfunction,

ATP is broken down and the ability to recycle expended energy is disrupted.


As such, adenosine diphosphate (ADP) levels accumulate

leading to a series of reactions in the cell

to balance ATP/ADP ratios and maintain energy stasis.


These reactions ultimately lead to

increased intracellular concentrations of adenosine monophosphate (AMP).


In an effort to control energy balance,

cells catabolize AMP in reactions

catalyzed by 5'-nucleotidase (heart) and AMP deaminase (skeletal muscle)

ultimately forming inosine, hypoxanthine and adenine.


These catabolic end products are washed out of the cell

netting a loss of purines and

a reduction in the total pool of adenine nucleotides available to the tissue,

lowering its phosphorylation potential.


Up to 90% of these catabolites can potentially be biochemically salvaged and recycled.


Supplemental D-ribose

bypasses the rate limiting enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP),

going directly to purine synthesis.


D-ribose has been shown to accelerate energy recovery in skeletal muscle and

to relieve fatigue, soreness, and stiffness after intense exercise.




Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia with D-ribose –

an open-label, multicenter study

The Open Pain Journal, 2012, 5, 32-37

Teitelbaum J, Jandrain J, McGrew R.





Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (CFS/FMS) are debilitating syndromes

affecting about 2%-4% of the population.


Although they are heterogeneous conditions associated with many triggers,

they appear to have the common pathology

of being associated with impaired energy metabolism.


As D-ribose has been shown to increase cellular energy synthesis, and

was shown to significantly improve clinical outcomes in CFS/FMS in an earlier study,

we hypothesized that giving D-ribose would improve function in CFS/FMS patients.



Design, Location, and Subjects:


An open-label, unblinded study in which 53 US clinics enrolled 257 patients

who had been given a diagnosis of CFS/FMS by a health practitioner.





All subjects were given D-ribose (Corvalen),

a naturally occurring pentose carbohydrate,

5-g twice a day for 3 weeks.



Outcome measures:


All patients were assessed at baseline (1 week before treatment), and

after 1,2, & 3 weeks using a Visual Analog Scale (1-7 points)

rating energy, sleep, cognitive function, pain and overall well-being.





203 patients completed the 3 week treatment trial.


D-ribose treatment led to both statistically (p<.0001) and

clinically highly important average improvements in all categories:

  • 61.3% increase in energy
  • 37% increase in overall well-being
  • 29.3% improvement in sleep
  • 30% improvement in mental clarity
  • 15.6% decrease in pain.

Improvement began in the first week of treatment, and

continued to increase at the end of the 3 weeks of treatment.


The D-ribose was well tolerated.




In this multicenter study, D-ribose resulted in markedly improved

energy levels, sleep, mental clarity, pain relief, and

well-being in patients suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.