Veel huisdieren van ME-patiënten hebben vreemde ziekten die op ME lijken





The Human/Animal Interaction in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

A Look at 127 Patients

J. of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Vol 6(2) 2000 page 65-72.

R. Tom Glass.





To evaluate the interaction between Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) patients and domestic animals (pets).




Retrospective study of criteria-met ME/CFS patients using a standardized questionnaire which included patient comments.




University medical center and ME/CFS support groups throughout the United States.




A total of 127 patients met the surveillance criteria of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the establishment of the diagnosis of ME/ CFS and were included in the study.




Information from the standardized questionnaire was compiled and appropriate statistical tests, including mean, median, Z test, multivariant analysis, and Chi-square test, were used. This information was compared to national statistical information on animal interaction compiled by the American Veterinary Medicine Association.




The most striking result of the study was the association between ME/CFS patients and animals (usually indoor pets) and the number of animals per ME/CFS patient. 97% of the ME/CFS patients had animal contact (expected nationnal contact: 57.9%), with only 2 males and 2 females not reporting animal contact.


Reported dog ownership/household for ME/CFS males was 9.5 and for ME/CFS females was 7.9 (expected national average: 1.52). Reported cat ownership/household for ME/CFS males was 6.1 and for ME/CFS females was 8.7 (expected national average: 1.95).


106 of the respondents (83.5%) reported that their animals (pets) had atypical diseases with symptoms which mimicked ME/CFS in humans.


Of the 106 ME/CFS patients, 100 (94.3%) either were the primary caregiver for the sick animals or had intimate contact (sleeping with, being bitten or scratched by, or kissing the animal).




ME/CFS patients have a significant animal interaction and

a large number of these animals have atypical or unusual diseases which at least mimic ME/CFS.



Abnormal Signs Found in Animals

of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients:

A Look at 463 Animals

J. of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Vol 6(2) 2000 page 73-83.

R. Tom Glass.





To evaluate the abnormal signs found in the domestic animals (pets) of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) patients.




Retrospective study of the domestic animals (pets) of criteria-met ME/CFS patients using a standardized questionnaire which included patient comments.




University medical center and ME/CFS support groups throughout the United States.




A total of 127 patients met the surveillance criteria of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the establishment of the diagnosis of ME/ CFS and were included in the study. This group of patients had a total of 463 domestic animals (pets), of which 348 animals demonstrated abnormal signs and 115 were considered healthy.




Information from the standardized questionnaire was compiled and appropriate statistical tests, including mean, median, Z test, multivariant analysis, and Chi-square test, were used.




One hundred six (83%) of the 127 ME/CFS surveyed reported that at least one of their animals (predominantly domestic pets) showed a wide range of unusual or atypical signs, many of which mimicked the signs and symptoms of ME/CFS.


The sick animals’ signs were divided into General (40%), Neurological (35%), Gastrointestinal (10%), Reticuloendothelial/Blood (9%), Neoplasia (4%), and Endocrine (2%).


One of the most striking result of the study was that 113 of the 127 ME/CFS patients surveyed felt their ME/CFS symptoms were somehow associated with their animals contact.


Ninety (71%) of the 127 ME/CFS patients reported that they were the primary caretakers for multiple animals.


Other less common findings were:

the onset of ME/CFS being associated with obtaining the animal;

the onset of ME/CFS being associated with a flea bite episode;

prior residents having sick animals and ME/CFS;

other family member contracting ME/CFS from their close association with the sick animal

(as opposed to their association with the family members who had ME/ CFS);

ME/CFS symptoms decreasing after the pet leaving or dying.




A large number of animals of ME/CFS patients have atypical or unusual diseases which at least mimic ME/CFS. Most of the 127 ME/CFS patients surveyed have significant animal interactions.