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immunologische afwijkingen







Volgens een studie van Jo Nijs en collega's van de Pain in Motion Research group

leidt inspanning tot uiteenlopende immunologische afwijkingen in ME/CVS.

Deze afwijkingen-na-inspanning worden niet in (inactieve) gezonde mensen waargenomen.


Wonderbaarlijk genoeg zouden deze afwijkingen die ontstaan na een éénmalige inspanning

volgens de auteurs niet hoeven op te treden in graduele inspanningstherapieën (CBT/GET).


Lijkt me een typisch geval van naar je doel toe redeneren,

aangezien veel van die afwijkingen al bij een matige inspanning ontstaan.





Altered immune response to exercise in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: a systematic literature review.

Exerc Immunol Rev. 2014;20:94-116.

Nijs J, Nees A, Paul L, De Kooning M, Ickmans K, Meeus M, Van Oosterwijck J.






An increasing number of studies

have examined how the immune system of

patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), or myalgic encephalomyelitis,

responds to exercise.


The objective of the present study was

to systematically review the scientific literature

addressing exercise-induced immunological changes in CFS patients

compared to healthy control subjects.


A systematic literature search

was conducted in the PubMed and Web of science databases

using different keyword combinations.


We included 23 case control studies

that examined whether CFS patients, compared to healthy sedentary controls,

have a different immune response to exercise.


The included articles were evaluated on their methodological quality.


Compared to the normal response of the immune system to exercise as seen in healthy subjects,

patients with CFS have a more pronounced response

in the complement system (i.e. C4a split product levels),

oxidative stress system (i.e. enhanced oxidative stress combined with

a delayed and reduced anti-oxidant response), and

an alteration in the immune cells' gene expression profile

(increases in post-exercise interleukin-10 and toll-like receptor 4 gene expression),

but not in circulating pro- or anti-inflammatory cytokines.


Many of these immune changes relate to post-exertional malaise in CFS,

a major characteristic of the illness.


The literature review provides level B evidence for

an altered immune response to exercise in patients with CFS.



PMID: 24974723





fatigue, pain, genetics, oxidative stress, complement system,

cytokine, inflammation, exercise, physical activity