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Enlander vs. Klimas

m.b.t. inspanning

n.a.v. presentatie Klimas/Sol

op CDC-conferentie









Onderstaande reactie van dr. Enlander

op van een voordracht van dr. Klimas en dr. Sol

van het Institute for Neuro Immune Medicine van de NOVA University (Miami)

tijdens een recente CDC-teleconferentie onder de titel

Redefining Exercise in CFS through Reconstruction of Aerobic Capacity

is op de facebook-pagina van Lajla Mark terug te vinden.


Dr. Enlander stelt mijn inziens terecht een aantal grote vraagtekens

bij het oefenprogramma zoals voorgesteld door Klimas en Sol (zie video's onderaan).


Vier belangrijke vragen die dr. Elander volgens Mary Schweitzer op Co-Cure

die tijdens de teleconferentie inbracht, maar niet beantwoord werden, zijn:

  1. How were the patients chosen
  2. Why do they say these patients have HIGHER than normal levels of adrenaline?
  3. Every study has shown LOWER than normal levels of adrenaline.

  4. How could deconditioning be responsible for sudden onset,
  5. or explain the condition of a patient who has just suffered a sudden onset?

  6. Why did no one mention
  7. the dangers of post-exertional malaise or worsening of symptoms?

Volgens het bericht op facebook begrijpt dr. Enlander niet

waarom Klimas en Sol de suggestie wekken dat

post-exertional malaise het gevolg is van "deconditionering"

terwijl die volgens Enlander al in het begin van de ziekte aanwezig is (de ziekte kenmerkt).


Als we het bericht mogen geloven voert dr. Enlander,

dankzij een gift van $ 1 miljoen dollar van een patiënt!,

momenteel een grootschalig onderzoek uit naar

de biologische gevolgen (afweersysteem etc.) van inspanning in ME/CVS.


Het project van dr. Enlander geeft de ME-de-burger weer wat moed...




Dr. Derek ander on dr. Nancy Klimas' speech about exercise:



Quite disappointing


The question of how patients were selected was not stated.


If we use the accepted Fukuda/Canadian Consensus Criteria

then the the Post Exertion Malaise (PEM)

is not indicative of deconditioning but an early pointer to the disease.


I do not understand how a seasoned researcher can make such a mistake.


Full physical examination must be performed in all patients,

this is seemingly frequently not performed and leads to misdiagnoses.


Have you as a patient been fully physically examined?


We at the ME /CFS Center at Mount Sinai Medical School,

a well-recognized Medical Center in New York,

are fully staffed with clinicians in

internal medicine, pulmonology, cardiology, immunology and genetics.


We are performing a multi-disciplinary study on PEM

with the help of a $1,000,000 grant from one of my grateful patients.


The initial result seems to point towards relapse in many patients after exercise.


The cause is obviously avidly awaited,

blood is drawn at zero hours, prior to exertion on an ergometer,

and at 24hrs,48hrs and 72 hrs after the exercise.


Blood is tested for an array of tests

including standard systemic disease, infectious agents, immune markers, complement and cytokine testing, virology, bacterial and human genome testing.


Bacterial and virology of bowel motion will also be performed .


We hope that the CDC is aware of this effort

which is the most comprehensive ME/CFS study under way in the nation .



Derek Enlander M.D.,M.R.C..S.,L.R.C.P.




CFS Knowledge Centre



Klimas en Sol - Exercise Program for ME/CFS (video's 2012)



1: Exercise & ME/CFS: VO2 Max Testing Procedure


Contrary to popular opinion,

those afflicted with ME/CFS, more commonly referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome,

may very well experience a significant reduction in their symptoms

by adapting a safe and effective exercise program based upon science, not guesswork.


Watch Dr Nancy Klimas,

along with physiologist Connie Sol from the CFS Clinic in Miami

discuss and demonstrate VO2 Max testing

in this first of a three part series of videos on Exercise & ME/CFS

produced by cfsKnowledgeCenter.


In the second video, "Exercise & ME/CFS: Post Testing VO2 Max Consult"

you'll have the opportunity to listen in on part of the post-testing consult

in which the test results are explained and the basis of an exercise program outlined.


In the third video, "Exercise & ME/CFS: Implementing an Exercise Program",

you'll learn how to put the program into practice and adapt it to your own situation.




Exercise and ME/CFS: VO2 Max Testing Procedure




2: Exercise & ME/CFS: Post VO2 Max Testing Consult


This video, the second in the series on Exercise & ME/CFS

produced by cfsKnowledgeCenter,

focuses on the application of the VO2 Max testing results

in the development of an exercise program for those afflicted with ME/CFS.

One which will not over tax the body and result in a crash.


Dr Nancy Klimas explains the basic elements of the testing.


Physiologist, Connie Sol conducts the post-testing consult and

explains the design of a patient-specific exercise program.




Exercise and ME/CFS: Post VO2 Max Testing Consult




3: Exercise & ME/CFS: Implementing An Exercise Program


In this third of the series "Exercise & ME/CFS"

produced by cfsKnowledgeCenter,

physiologist Connie Sol discusses the proper way

to implement an exercise program based upon VO2 Max testing.


With the assistance of Brenda, an ME/CFS patient,

various exercises and types of rest periods are also discussed and demonstrated.




Exercise and ME/CFS: Implementing An Exercise Program
