Een studie van VanNess en kollega's bevestigt wat patiënten al weten:
veel klachten nemen (langdurig) toe na inspanning en "herstel" neemt dagen in beslag.
Sommige onderdelen van de SF-36 vragenlijst (klik hier
en hier voor een vertaling)
hebben wat de ernst en duur van post-exertional malaise een voorspellende waarde
Alhoewel het prettig is post-exertional malaise te kunnen "voorspellen" met vragenlijstjen,
heb ik zelf een sterke voorkeur voor objektieve, dus niet te ontkennen, maatstaven
(zoals een afname van de verzuringsdrempel bij een tweede fietstest, bijv. 48 uur later).
Reliability and validity of Short Form 36 Version 2 to measure health perceptions in a sub-group of individuals with fatigue.
Disabil Rehabil. 2011 Jun 20. doi:10.3109/09638288.2011.582925.
Davenport TE, Stevens SR, Baroni K, Mark Van Ness J, Snell CR.
To determine the validity and reliability of Short Form 36 Version 2 (SF36v2)
in sub-groups of individuals with fatigue.
Thirty subjects participated in this study,
including n = 16 subjects
who met case definition criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and
n = 14 non-disabled sedentary matched control subjects.
SF36v2 and Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20)
were administered before two maximal cardiopulmonary exercise tests (CPETs)
administered 24 h apart and
an open-ended recovery questionnaire
was administered 7 days after CPET challenge.
The main outcome measures were
self-reported time to recover to pre-challenge functional and symptom status,
frequency of post-exertional symptoms and SF36v2 sub-scale scores.
Individuals with CFS demonstrated
significantly lower SF36v2 and MFI-20 sub-scale scores prior to CPET.
Between-group differences remained significant post-CPET,
however, there were no significant group by test interaction effects.
Subjects with CFS
reported significantly more total symptoms (p<0.001),
as well as reports of
fatigue (p<0.001), neuroendocrine (p<0.001), immune (p<0.01),
pain (p<0.01) and sleep disturbance (p<0.01) symptoms
than control subjects
as a result of CPET.
Many symptom counts
demonstrated significant relationships with
SSF36v2 sub-scale scores (p<0.05).
SF36v2 and MFI-20 sub-scale scores demonstrated significant correlations (p<0.05).
Various SF36v2 sub-scale scores demonstrated significant predictive validity
to identify subjects
who recovered from CPET challenge within 1 day and 7 days (p<0.05).
Potential floor effects were observed for both questionnaires for individuals with CFS.
Various sub-scales of SF36v2 demonstrated
adequate reliability and validity for clinical and research applications.
Adequacy of sensitivity to change of SF36v2 as a result of a fatiguing stressor
should be the subject of additional study.
PMID: 21682669
Fatigue, health perceptions, Short Form 36, SF36v2, chronic fatigue syndrome