Invest in ME konferentie 2010:


Een nieuw tijdperk in ME/CVS research!






In 2010 organiseert Invest in ME wederom een groot internationaal kongres, dit maal

onder het motto "A New Era in ME/CFS Reserach" (een nieuw tijdperk in ME/CVS research).


Sprekers zijn onder meer dr. Judy Mikovits (XMRV), dr. Jonathan Kerr (gene expressie),

dr. Nancy Klimas (afweersysteem), dr. Paul Cheney en dr. John Chia (enterovirussen).


Een belangrijke (neven)doelstelling is het informeren van medisch personeel/hulpverleners.








A New Era in ME/CFS Research

Educating Healthcare Providers in

Management, Treatments and the Latest Advances in Research into ME/CFS


Datum: 24 mei 2010

Lokatie: One Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London






Education of healthcare staff in ME/CFS


With the recent discovery of the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) retrovirus in patients with ME/CFS by the Whittemore-Peterson Institute, the US National Cancer Institute and the Cleveland Clinic of Ohio, we are witnessing a major breakthrough in the understanding and treatment of ME/CFS and in the implications in ME/CFS.


The education of healthcare staff about ME/CFS now needs to break with the past and reflect the new found knowledge about the pathogenesis of ME/CFS which high quality biomedical research is providing.


The conference will be oriented toward providing healthcare staff and others with knowledge of the latest research and the biomarkers which allow appropriate treatments to be prescribed.


The key to resolving, treating and curing ME/CFS lies in biomedical research.


Our 2008 conference in London focused on Sub Grouping and Treatments and showed indisputable proof from leading ME/CFS experts regarding the pathology of this illness.


Our 2009 conference concentrated on the severely-affected people with ME.


However, apart from a knowledge of the biomedical research which is ongoing it is necessary for healthcare staff to be aware of the multiple symptoms exhibited by ME patients and of the possible treatments available.


Research data and experiences of managing and treating ME/CFS will be presented as will findings from the latest biomedical research. The time is right for moving ahead with new findings.


The presenters at the conference represent the world's most current ME/CFS knowledgebase regarding ME/CFS.



Programma: sprekers en hun onderwerpen



Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD

Research Director Whittemore-Peterson Institute for Neuro-immune Diseases, Nevada, USA

Research Update on XMRV and ME/CFS


Professor Nora Chapman PhD

Research Scientist and Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Centre, USA.

Persistency of Enteroviral infections


Dr. John Chia MD

Infectious Disease Medicine specialist practicing in Torrance, California, USA

Enteroviral Research in ME/CFS


Dr. Jonathan Kerr MD, PhD

Senior Lecturer Inflammation Dept. Cellular & Molecular Medicine, St.George's Univ, London

Gene expression in ME/CFS


Professor Paul Cheney MD

Medical Director of the Cheney Clinic in Asheville, North Carolina.

Cardiomyopathy and ME/CFS


Dr. Nancy Klimas MD

Professor of Medicine, Psychology, Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Miami School of Medicine

Immunological Markers in ME and Immune system dysfunction


Professor Brigitte Huber PhD

Professor of pathology at Tufts University in Boston

Endogenous Retrovirus Activation in ME/CFS







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