Een grootschalige studie van Palacio, Komaroff en anderen
onder 42.390 verpleegsters levert drie interessante bevindingen op:
De incidentie van CVS (het aantal patiënten in de 'bevolking') in deze studie was 0,24%.
Dit komt in de buurt van de 0,19% uit een studie van Nacul en 0,11% van uit
een studie van Nijhof.
Uitgaande van die cijfers leven er in Nederland minimaal 18.800 (0,111%) en maximaal 40.600
(0,24%) mensen met CVS en in
België minstens 12.500 (0,111%) en maximaal 27.100 (0,24%).
Overigens betreft dit niet het aantal mensen met ME. Dat zijn er naar schatting minder dan de helft.
Een tweede bevinding betreft het grote percentage CVS-patiénten die de diagnose niet krijgt.
Slechts 15% van de mensen die aan de diagnosecriteria voor CVS voldeed, had de diagnose CVS.
Een derde relevante bevinding betreft het grote aantal gevallen van overdiagnose:
slechts een kwart van de mensen die wel de (nietszeggende) diagnose CVS kreeg,
voldeed daadwerkelijk aan de Fukuda-diagnosecriteria voor CVS.
Incidence of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
in a large prospective cohort of U.S. nurses.
Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior. 2017 May 18. doi: 10.1080/21641846.2017.1323576.
Palacios N, Fitzgerald KC, Komaroff AL, Ascherio A.
The incidence of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS),
the rates of both under-diagnosis and over-diagnosis, and
the nature of the onset of the condition
have not been assessed in large studies of health professionals.
To determine the cumulative incidence of ME/CFS
in a large population of health professionals,
to examine the nature of the onset of the illness, and
to estimate the frequency of
both over-diagnosis and under-diagnosis of ME/CFS.
We sent an email questionnaire to
participants in the Nurses’ Health Study II (NHS II),
a large prospective cohort of female nurses.
Forty-two thousand three hundred and ninety-four women
completed the questionnaire,
which included
the 1994 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria for ME/CFS.
One-hundred and two women (240 per 100,000 surveyed)
developed an illness
that met criteria for ME/CFS between 1989 and 2009.
The onset of ME/CFS was
gradual in 40.6%,
sudden (following flu-like illness or other precipitating events) in 18.8%,
followed emotional or physical trauma in 32.3%, and
was uncertain in the rest.
Under-diagnosis was common:
only 15 (15%) of the women who met criteria for ME/CFS
reported having been diagnosed.
Over-diagnosis also was common:
four times as many subjects had been diagnosed with ME/CFS
by community doctors as actually met criteria.
The distribution of symptoms was not different
in comparing cases with a sudden onset to those with a gradual onset.
In this large cohort of female nurses,
we found a low cumulative incidence of ME/CFS.
Over-diagnosis and under-diagnosis were high,
even in this medically sophisticated population.
Fatigue syndrome, chronic, prospective studies, cumulative incidence, cohort studies