Op 12 mei
2011 verschijnt het boek "One Last Goodbye" van de hand van Kay Gilderdale,
de moeder van Lynn Gilderdale,
die zich voor de rechtbank moest verantwoorden
voor hulp bij zelfdoding van haar dochter, die het leven met ME/CVS niet meer aan kon.
One Last Goodbye:
Sometimes Only a Mother's Love Can Help End the Pain
Kay Gilderdale
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Ebury Press (May 12, 2011)
ISBN-10: 0091939143,
ISBN-13: 978-0091939144
£ 6.99
Watching her child die is the hardest thing a mother can ever do.
But for Kay Gilderdale, saying a final goodbye to her only daughter Lynn was exceptionally painful:
she'd played a part in her death.
Lynn was just 14 when she was struck down by the crippling disease M.E.,
leaving her paralysed and in constant agony.
Over the next 17 years,
she became desperate to escape her miserable existence,
even begging her mum to help her die.
So, one night, when Kay found Lynn attempting suicide,
she was forced to make an impossible decision.
Continue watching her child suffer or help her end the pain?
Eventually, fighting her every instinct,
Kay helped her precious daughter take a fatal overdose.
But while Lynn was finally free, her
mother faced a fresh agony - a possible lifetime behind bars.
The highly controversial trial that followed opened a fierce public debate on assisted suicide.
Is it murder or mercy?
Here, in her heartbreaking story,
Kay reveals the harrowing truth behind the headlines and
the desperate lengths a mother will go to for the love of a child.
About Kay Gilderdale
Kay was born in Dublin in 1954.
The youngest of ten, all she'd ever wanted is a family of her own.
After leaving school, she trained as a nurse
and went on to have two much longed-for children,
Stephen and Lynn, with her then husband Richard.
She now lives alone in East Sussex and is a proud grandmother of two.
Kay is a dedicated supporter of The 25% M.E. Group.
The charity exists to support those
who have the most severe forms of M.E. and the people who care for them.
Het boek is vooruit te bestellen via Amazon (UK) en WH Smith (klik op logo's).