One Last Goodbye:
Sometimes Only a Mother's Love Can Help End the Pain
Kay Gilderdale
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Ebury Press (May 12, 2011)
ISBN-10: 0091939143,
ISBN-13: 978-0091939144
£ 6.99
In de Daily Mail van donderdag 14 april zeer aangrijpende fragmenten
uit het boek "One Last Goodbye"
van Kay Gilderdale, de moeder van
Lynn Gilderdale,
die zich voor de rechtbank moest verantwoorden
voor de hulp die zij haar dochter bood bij het beëindigen van haar leven,
How I helped my darling daughter to die
By Kay Gilderdale
Last updated at 1:54 AM on 14th April 2011
This is it, the moment of truth.
After an hour and 45 minutes behind closed doors,
the jury is about to reveal whether they think I deliberately set out to murder my beloved daughter, Lynn.
My every nerve is stretched to breaking point.
I reach for the locket I have worn throughout the nine-day trial,
containing a picture of Lynn and some strands of her hair.
I know how much Lynn would have hated my having to go through this.
The last thing she told me before she died was that she was frightened of what might happen to me.