


staat los van

psychische stoornissen






Volgens Matsudo en kollega's

staat ME(CVS) geheel los van psychische aandoeningen (o.a. depressie).


Als een patiënt last heeft van psychische problemen (zoals depressie)

zouden beide zaken onafhankelijk van elkaar behandeld moeten worden, dus:

medische behandeling/supplelementen voor de ziekte !!

en een (niet-medikateuze) aanpak van de pyschische problemen.




Enkele citaten uit het studierapport


Russo et al., Skapinakis et al., and Wilson et al.

thought that

[the presence of comorbid psychiatric disorders]

predicted a poor prognosis for CFS...


No significant relationship was found

between the presence of comorbid psychiatric disorders and

the outcome of CFS.


The outcome of CFS

is independent from that of

comorbid psychiatric disorders, especially MDD,

which may be an important milestone

to clarify the pathophysiology of CFS and MDD.


In terms of

treatment programs for CFS patients in this study,

Hochuekki-to (TJ-41),

vitamin B12 and

C were prescribed,


antidepressants were not prescribed.


There is no report showing any effect of Hochu-ekki-to on MDD.

On the other hand,

antidepressants were not prescribed in our study,

because they are reported to produce a range of side-effects or

not to be effective for CFS when they are given to patients.




A two-year follow-up study of

chronic fatigue syndrome comorbid with psychiatric disorders

Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2009. 63(3): 365-373.

Matsuda Y, Matsui T, Kataoka K, Fukada R, Fukuda S, Kuratsune H, Tajima S, Yamaguti K, Kato YH, Kiriike N.





Chronic fatigue syndrome patients

often have comorbid psychiatric disorders

such as major depressive disorders and anxiety disorders.



the outcomes of

chronic fatigue syndrome and

the comorbid psychiatric disorders

and the interactions between them

are unknown.



a two-year prospective follow-up study was carried out on

chronic fatigue syndrome patients

with comorbid psychiatric disorders.





A total of 155 patients

who met the Japanese case definition of chronic fatigue syndrome

were enrolled in this study.


Comorbid psychiatric disorders

were diagnosed according to

the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition criteria.


Patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders received psychiatric treatment

in addition to medical therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome.


Seventy patients participated in

a follow-up interview approximately 24 months later.





Of the 70 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome,

33 patients

were diagnosed as

having comorbid psychiatric disorders

including 18 major depressive disorders.


Sixteen patients with psychiatric disorders and

eight patients with major depressive disorders

did not fulfill the criteria of any psychiatric disorders

at the follow up.


As for chronic fatigue syndrome,

nine out of the 70 patients

had recovered at the follow up.


There is no significant influence

of comorbid psychiatric disorders

on the outcome of chronic fatigue syndrome.





Chronic fatigue syndrome patients

have a relatively high prevalence of comorbid psychiatric disorders,

especially major depressive disorders.


The outcomes of

chronic fatigue syndrome and

psychiatric disorders

are independent.



treatment of comorbid psychiatric disorders is necessary

in addition to the medical treatment

given for chronic fatigue syndrome.





chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), comorbidity, major depressive disorder (MDD), outcome, psychiatric disorder



Published Online: 13 Apr 2009



DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1819.2009.01954.x




Met dank aan Rob.