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De documentaire

What about ME?

nadert zijn voltooiing









De documentaire What about ME?, geproduceerd door Susan Douglas, zal in 2014 afgerond worden

en ingezonden worden naar diverse documentairefestivals (o.a. IDFA), mits de fondsen toereikend zijn.


What about ME? pikt de draad op bij de ontdekking en on-ontdekking van XMRV.



Hieronder kunt U de trailer van de film bekijken:







Over de documentaire:



WHAT ABOUT ME? is a 90 minute feature documentary

that takes the audience on a journey to investigate the debilitating conditions of ME and CFS.


There is a battle to find the cure and

we have captured the revelations and research in our documentary

to produce a story of intrigue, heartbreak and hope.


Commonly referred to as a mystery illness,

it utterly debilitates lives of previously healthy, active, vibrant individuals,

leaves them bedbound, racked with pain and suffering from devastating memory loss and confusion.


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

has left medical professionals and leading scientists perplexed

as they have yet to find a known cause and cure.




Picking up this film where we left it will highlight

the controversy and conflict that surrounds this illness.


WHAT ABOUT ME? will follow the aftermath of the XMRV announcement

as it unleashed a surge of inquiry and scrutiny previously never levelled at ME.