Vorige week verscheen in de New York Times een artikel van de hand van David Tuller
over de recente ontwikkelingen m.b.t. ME/CVS, m.n. de recente studie van de Stanford University.
Brains of people with chronic fatigue syndrome offer clues about disorder
By David Tuller
November 24, 2014 7:03 PM
Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome are accustomed to disappointment.
The cause of the disorder remains unknown;
it can be difficult to diagnose, and treatment options are few.
Research suggesting that an infection from a mouse virus
may cause it raised hopes among patients a few years ago,
but the evidence fell apart under closer scrutiny.
Many patients are still told to seek psychiatric help.
But two recent studies
-one from investigators at Stanford a few weeks ago and
another from a Japanese research team published earlier this year -
have found that the brains of
people with chronic fatigue syndrome differ from those of healthy people,
strengthening the argument that
serious physiological dysfunctions are at the root of the condition.
Dr. Zeineh said reduced white matter in patients
was consistent with the hypothesis that brain inflammation plays a role in the illness.
"If there is widespread inflammation going on,
that could explain many of the symptoms," he said.
A version of this article appears in print on 11/25/2014,
on page 6 of the New York edition with the headline: Brain Clues to a Baffling Disorder.
Met dank aan Manja.