Medscape (registratie verplicht) besteedt in een recente bijdrage aandacht aan ME/CVS.
Aan het woord komen onder meer
dr. Anthony Komaroff,
dr. Andreas Kogelnik,
dr. José Montoya
en dr. Ronald Davis
(die een zoon heeft die sinds een paar jaar aan een ernstige vorm van ME lijdt).
Het artikel is een aanrader voor vermoeidheidsdeskundigen...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Wrong Name, Real Illness
Miriam E. Tucker
January 08, 2015
"I don't think people understand how horrible this disease is.
They don't look that sick.
Even my son, who is incredibly debilitated, doesn't look sick,"
Dr Davis told Medscape Medical News.
"People do think it's a spectrum of disease.
We've settled on that it's an immune-related disorder, and
there is potentially a subset that's autoimmune,
a subset that's virally triggered, a chronic viral infection,
and perhaps other triggers or stressors...,"
Open Medicine Institute founder and director
Andreas M. Kogelnik, MD, told Medscape Medical News.
Numerous physical abnormalities
have been identified in ME/CFS patients,
with stronger biological signals seen
in studies measuring response to exercise[3]
that differentiate patients from controls and
far exceed the effects of mere deconditioning, experts say.
Such evidence includes
significantly reduced oxygen consumption and workload
for ME/CFS patients after treadmill tests[4], and
altered gene expression
compared with controls following moderate exercise.[5]
The distinction can also be elicited by asking the patient,
"What would you be doing if you weren't ill?"
Depressed patients typically won't have an answer,
whereas ME/CFS patients will often respond
with a laundry list of dreams deferred.
"With depression, there is an apathy...
[People with ME/CFS] are more angry and frustrated.
They want to get better,"
Dr Komaroff told Medscape Medical News.