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Hadas (Reuters):

hoe en waarom de "marktwerking" rond ME/CVS faalt...








In een opinieartikel voor Reuters vraagt Edward Hadas zich terecht af waarom er,

los van de sociale plicht om ME-de-mensen te helpen,

op basis van zakelijke en economische motieven (opbrengst en kosten)

niet meer tijd en aandacht geďnvesteerd wordt in het oplossen van ME en CVS.





Market failure can be sign of fatigue


By Edward Hadas

June 11, 2014





Medical ignorance reflects a lack of research,

and the lack of research reflects a lack of professional respect.


Despite the devastating effects on those who have it

– many sufferers spend years bedridden –

most doctors and funding agencies

did not take the disease seriously until recently.




Treatments or vaccines for CFS are likely to turn out to cost less

than the value of the labour that is currently lost to the disease.




Even if no cure is found, the knowledge itself is a worthy economic goal.

