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ME sufferers call for help

(UTV) -

Interview met

Andrew McGorrian

(11 jaar)






Onlangs werd op UTV aandacht besteed aan de schrijnende situatie van ME-patiënten,

onder meer in de vorm van een kort vraaggesprek met de 11-jarige Andrew McGorrian.


De dokumentaire is voor buitenlanders niet te bekijken op de website van UTV,

maar een ME-de-patiënt (?) heeft de video op YouTube geplaatst (zie onder):





Een ME-de-patiënt heeft een deel van de video ondertiteld (zie onder):







ME sufferers call for help


Thursday, 09 February 2012



Thousands of people across Northern Ireland suffer from ME, also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but they say there is not enough medical help in the region.




Andrew McGorrian is bedridden and in constant pain at just 11-years-old. He contracted a virus and has never fully recovered.


His mother Jacqueline said she was "heartbroken" at the difference in her once lively and energetic son.




Horace Reid, a former nurse, has had ME for 19 years and the illness has forced him to stop working.


"You get hit with something that feels like the flu. You push yourself to try and push the flu off. But it's not the flu and the harder you try to throw it off the worse it becomes," he said.




Joan McParland, who has had ME for 13 years, is trying to help people in the Newry who also suffer from the condition.




"To live this life is bad enough, but to try and face the scepticism, disbelief and even the ridicule from some medical professionals and the public is very hard to deal with, on top of having an illness," she said.