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Judy Mikovits

doet haar verhaal:

WPI was op de hoogte

van mogelijke lab-vervuiling






In een interview met the Daily Beast vertelt Judy Mikovits, na maanden van stilzwijgen, over

het WPI, haar ontslag en de rechtszaak die WPI tegen haar aanspande (klik hier en hier).


Jezelf verstoppen op een boot, notebooks die achteraf niet echt gestolen bleken te zijn,

monsters die mogelijk vervuild waren en een baas die dat niet wilde/kon geloven, etc. etc.

Het verhaal rond WPI, XMRV en Mikovits zou bij verfilming direct een Oscar-kandidaat zijn...





How Research into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Turned into an Ugly Fight


Jul 23, 2012 4:45 AM EDT

Casey Schwartz


How did a star researcher into the medical mystery of chronic fatigue syndrome end up in jail and unemployed? For the first time, Judy Mikovits tells her story.


On Nov. 9, 2011, Judy Mikovits, a well-known chronic fatigue syndrome researcher at the center of one of the strangest scientific dramas in recent memory, found herself devising the following plan.


She would have to escape by boat.




She took the small boat moored behind her house down into the harbor, where she got onto a friend's sailboat and hid there for five days.




Mikovits is warm-spirited and blunt, with what appears to be a blind spot when it comes to other people's motives, a weakness that can lead her to extremes of both trust and suspicion.


Mikovits has had a varied career, jumping between research and drug development jobs because, she says, she has a habit of being a perpetual "trouble maker", speaking up about ethical breeches, often to punitive consequence.




Mikovits had the impression that, she says, "these [the Witthemores, FT] are well-meaning people but my god, they don't know how to do real research. And I thought I could help and so did they."




In the summer of 2011, Mikovits and her young lab assistant, Max Pfost, began poring through their notebooks, trying to find where such a contaminant might have entered their process.


In July, she says, she found it - an entry from March 2009 indicating that a culture of the XMRV virus had been placed into the same ice chest with the rest of the lab's blood samples. Mikovits says she was out of town the day this occurred.


In July 2011 she told Harvey Whittemore of the potential contamination, she says, and expected that the VIP Dx lab would cease testing patients for the XMRV virus. "I just kept saying, stop it, stop it, stop it. We have to sort this out," Mikovits says. According to Mikovits, the testing did not stop. And after a tense summer, she was fired in September.

