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Veel "jongere" ME/CVS-patiënten

hebben een klein hart(je).






Volgens een recente studie heeft 62% van de ME/CVS-patiënten een (te) klein hart

(gemeten via de cardio-thorax ratio: zie afbeelding hieronder).




De afmetingen (m.n. linkerkamer) en de prestaties van het hart (slagvolume-index etc.)

van ME/CVS-patiënten met een "klein" hart waren beduidend minder dan

die van patiënten met een "normaal" hart en gezonde mensen (ca. -15% minder).


Het hoopgevende nieuws:

De afmetingen en prestaties van het hart nemen toe in "betere tijden".



Uiteraard is dit niet van belang voor mensen die inspanningstherapie propageren...




Cardiac function fluctuates during exacerbation and remission in young adults with chronic fatigue syndrome and "small heart".

J Cardiol. 2009 Aug;54(1):29-35. Epub 2009 Mar 28.


Miwa K, Fujita M.






"Small heart syndrome",

previously referred to as so-called "neurocirculatory asthenia"

associated with a small heart shadow on the chest roentgenogram,

is characterized by

weakness or fatigue even after mild exertion,


dyspnea, and


many of which

resemble symptoms in

patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).





The study population

comprised 42 patients with CFS younger than 40 years of age.


Cardiothoracic ratio

was determined on the chest roentgenogram and

echocardiographic examination

was performed to evaluate both

the cardiac chamber size and



"Small heart"

(cardiothoracic ratio </=42%)

on the chest X-ray photograph

was noted in 26 (62%) of the study CFS patients.


Echocardiographic examination


significantly smaller mean values of

both the left ventricular (LV)

end-diastolic and

end-systolic dimensions,

stroke volume indexes and

cardiac indexes in CFS patients

with "small heart"

than in those without it

and also in 20 control subjects.



CFS patients with "small heart"

had an actually

small LV chamber and

poor cardiac performance.


During a long follow-up period of

10 CFS patients with "small heart",

all echocardiographic parameters mentioned above improved and

cardiothoracic ratios increased significantly

during the remission phase

as compared with exacerbation phase.





"Small heart"

on the chest X-ray photograph

was prevalently noted

in CFS patients.


Echocardiographic examination revealed that

CFS patients with "small heart"

had an actually small LV chamber and

poor cardiac performance.


Cardiac functional changes

evaluated by repeated examinations

appeared to be

directly associated with

the severity of their symptoms.


Small heart syndrome with impaired cardiac function

may contribute to the development of CFS

through low cardiac output as a constitutional factor.



PMID: 19632517