Rechtszaak tegen de NICE Richtlijnen:

beoordeling rechtsgrond door de Hoge Raad





Binnenkort bepaalt de Hoge Raad in Engeland in een hoorzitting

of zij de rechtszaak van twee patiënten tegen de NICE-richtlijnen ontvankelijk acht.

Naar aanleiding van de hoorzitting werd een persbericht naar buiten gebracht (onder).


De publikatie van de NICE-richtlijnen, sterk "geïnspireerd" door de CBT/GET-"filosofie",

leidden in Engeland en daarbuiten tot een storm van protest: klik hier en hier.


Eerder al spande "One Click" een rechtszaak aan tegen de Engelse overheid: klik hier.






Press Release - Judicial Review details



Permission to repost



Patients of a devastating illness, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) have today welcomed the news that there is to be a hearing in the High Court in London on the 17th June to decide whether or not to grant permission for a Judicial Review of NICE guidelines on the illness which is sometimes referred to as CFS/ME.


NICE issued their Guideline for doctors in August last year amid protests from patients and medical researchers that they had not followed correct protocols in producing the Guideline. Patient groups fear that some patients could be pressured into accepting treatments which at best may be useless and at worst could cause real harm.


The hearing will take place in the High Court at the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand on 17 June 2008. The hearing is listed to last for half a day and Court will hear legal argument from lawyers representing two ME sufferers as well lawyers for NICE.


The precise time and location of the Court room will be published on HM Courts Service website on the afternoon of 16 June:



Leigh Day & Co Solicitors




Van de website van Leigh Day & Co, dat de patiëntenbelangen vertegenwoordigt:



"Leigh Day & Co are specialist personal injury solicitors with one of the country’s largest clinical negligence and human rights teams. The firm’s ethos is to ensure that the ordinary person has just as good quality legal advice as our state bodies, insurers and multinationals."


Martyn Day, Senior Partner.



Laten we hopen dat het recht van ME-patiënten in Engeland eindelijk zal zegevieren...