

afhandeling gewijzigde zuurgraad

na inspanning is verstoord






Het reaktiemechanisme op verzuring door inspanning lijkt bij ME/CVS-patiėnten verstoord.


Newton en kollega's bestudeerde de efflux (uitstroom) van protonen

die n.a.v. een gewijzigde zuurgraad als gevolg van inspanning ontstaat.

Hiermee stellen de cellen het lichaam in staat te reageren en te herstellen.


De efflux van protonen was bij patiėnten beduidend minder en trager.

Dit gold ook voor de hartslagvariabiliteit (aanpassingsvermogen hartslag: zie ook hier)


Er lijkt een relatie te bestaan tussen de verstoorde protonenuitstroom en channelopathie.




Abnormalities in pH Handling by Peripheral Muscle and Potential Regulation by the Autonomic Nervous System in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Journal of Internal Medicine, Published Online: 20 Aug 2009.

doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.2009.02160.x.

David EJ Jones, Kieren G Hollingsworth, Roy Taylor, Andrew M Blamire, Julia L Newton.





To examine

muscle acid handling

following exercise

in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) and

the relationship with

autonomic dysfunction.





Observational study





Regional Fatigue Service.



Subjects & Interventions:


CFS/ME (n=16) and

age and sex matched normal controls (n=8)


phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)

to evaluate pH handling

during exercise.


Subjects performed

plantar flexion

at fixed 35% load

Maximum Voluntary Contraction.


Heart rate variability

was performed

during 10 minutes supine rest

using digital photophlethysmography

as a measure of autonomic function.





Compared to normal controls,

the CFS/ME group


significant suppression of proton efflux

both immediately post-exercise

(CFS: 1.1 ± 0.5 mM/min v Normal: 3.6 ± 1.5 mM/min, p<0.001)

and maximally

(CFS: 2.7 ± 3.4 mM/min v Control: 3.8 ± 1.6 mM/min, p<0.05).



the time taken to reach maximum proton efflux

was significantly prolonged in patients

(CFS: 25.6 ± 36.1s v Normal: 3.8 ± 5.2 s, p<0.05).


In controls

the rate of maximum proton efflux

showed a strong inverse correlation with nadir muscle pH

following exercise

(r2=0.6; p<0.01).


In CFS patients,

in contrast,

this significant normal relationship was lost

(r2=0.003; p=ns).


In normal individuals

the maximum proton efflux

following exercise

were closely correlated with

total heart rate variability (r2=0.7;p=0.007)

this relationship was lost

in CFS/ME patients (r2<0.001;p=ns).





Patients with CFS/ME

have abnormalities in

recovery of

intramuscular pH

following standardised exercise

degree of which

is related to

autonomic dysfunction.


This study identifies

a novel biological abnormality in patients with CFS/ME

which is potentially open to modification.




Met dank aan Rob.