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The END ME/CFS Project:

grootschalig, langdurig

onderzoeksinitiatief in de VS








Het Open Medicine Instititute, een initiatief van dr. Andreas Kogelnik,

start een grootschalig, meerjarig project om "het mysterie van ME/CVS te ontrafelen".

Een consortium van wereldvermaarde experts ("buitenstaanders" waar het gaat om ME/CVS),

zal, in onder leiding van Ronald W. Davis, met de nieuwste onderzoekstechnieken

uiteenlopende studies verrichten naar afwijkingen in en de oorza(a)k(en) van ME/CVS.


Het "consortium" streeft naar een jaarlijks onderzoeksbudget van $ 5.000.0000.



"The millions of suffering ME/CFS patients are owed

an apology and a concerted urgent effort to find effective treatment"


Ronald W. Davis, PhD



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The END ME/CFS Project



Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) and top experts

under the guidance of world-renowned geneticist Ronald W. Davis, PhD

are launching a bold new project of collaborative research.


The ultimate goal is to unlock

the mystery of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).


"I really enjoy working on problems that others think are unsolvable,

and I've been finding, to my surprise, that the older I get, the easier it is to take on those problems",

says Ronald W. Davis, PhD, OMF Scientific Advisory Board Director.


OMF's new END ME/CFS Project will create

a large consortium of scientists and clinicians with expertise in ME/CFS and

top-notch experts in relevant scientific fields and

will also include world-class scientists not currently working on this disease.


It will be modeled after two former success stories:

  • The Human Genome Project, launched by James D. Watson, PhD
  • (who has joined our Scientific Advisory Board).

  • The Consortium on Inflammation and Host Response to Injury in Humans (,
  • led by Ronald G. Tompkins, MD, ScD (who has also joined).

The project will find grants and funding, and determine the most effective course of research.


The goal is to understand the disease at a molecular level,

finding diagnostic markers, effective treatments, cure and prevention.


Basic research will be conducted in the best scientific laboratories.


ME/CFS clinicians will provide their intimate knowledge of the disease and

conduct any clinical trials. We will work until answers are found.


World-renowned Scientists


The Open Medicine Foundation is honored to announce that

Dr. Ronald W. Davis will join the OMF as its new ME/CFS Scientific Advisory Board Director.


Dr. Davis is Professor of Biochemistry and Genetics at Stanford University and

Director of the Stanford Genome Technology Center.


The originator of numerous innovations in genetics technology, molecular instrumentation,

Dr. Davis is known as one of the "fathers of the modern era of human genetics".


He was a key scientist in the Human Genome Project,

perhaps the most groundbreaking project in medicine in the last 15 years.


His pioneering and collaborative work has gained

Dr. Davis the respect of scientists and clinicians worldwide.


Other remarkable scientists that will join Dr. Davis on the Scientific Advisory Board include:

A few additional top scientists are yet to be recruited.


Together, they will recruit a large consortium of leading researchers and clinicians

including many already involved in ME/CFS.


This collaboration will bring in expertise in a wide range of body systems and

a diversity of disciplines including medicine, genetics, biochemistry,

immunology, infectious disease, neurophysiology, bioinformatics, and statistics.


Producing a Breakthrough


The END ME/CFS Project was founded on the idea that

a comprehensive, interdisciplinary effort is needed

to produce breakthroughs in our understanding of ME/CFS and neuro-immune diseases.


The OMF's goal is to connect the best experts,

from inside and outside the field,

through openness and information sharing.


Linda Tannenbaum, Executive Director of the OMF, and

Ronald W. Davis, PhD also have a personal goal

to find answers as quickly as possible

as they have a daughter and a son, respectively, suffering from ME/CFS.


Personal dedication can be a powerful force

for making breakthroughs in difficult to understand diseases.


The Scientific Advisory Board under the guidance of Dr. Davis

will lead the consortium in a collaborative manner

to move research as fast as possible

in the least expensive and most systematic manner.


At their first meeting they will draw up

a comprehensive list of doctors and scientists to join the consortium.


Five million Dollars


OMF is setting an initial minimum goal of $5 million per year for the "End ME/CFS" project.


To join in this campaign to End ME/CFS and Donate to the Open Medicine Foundation,

please go today to donate

or contact us at


Ask your friends, your family and your peers to donate to this ground-breaking project

that will be a catalyst to the understanding of all Neuro-Immune Diseases.


Be part of this historic effort to unlock the mystery

to find a cure & share the hope of millions of patients worldwide!



Scientific Advisory Board