Bij ME/CVS-patiënten met een verhoogde concentraties
(een maatstaf voor de omvang van
oxidatieve stress:
het resultaat van schade die vrij radikalen aan meervoudig
onverzadigde vetzuren toebrengen)
worden lagere concentraties
HDL-cholesterol (dat
een beschermende werking lijkt te hebben)
en verhoogde hoeveelheden
tryglyceriden (een vorm van vetopslag in je bloed) vastgesteld.
Volgens Brkic duidt dit
lipidenprofiel op een verhoogde kans op
Brkic en kollega's vinden dit verhoogde risiko op atherosclerose verrassend.
Eerder beschreven
Maes en ondergetekende
diverse markers die wijzen op
verhoogde oxidatieve stress
en een verhoogd risiko op hart- en vaataandoeningen.
Lipid peroxidation is elevated in female patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Med Sci Monit 2010 Nov 30; 16(12): CR628-632.
Brkic S, Tomic S, Maric D, Novakov Mikic A, Turkulov V.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating disease
of unclear cause and pathogenesis.
It affects mostly women from lower socioeconomic classes.
There is mounting evidence that
oxidative stress, specifically lipid peroxidation (LPO)
contributes to the disease process.
We investigated levels of LPO and its possible consequences for these patients.
Forty women aged 15–45 years who fulfilled
the 1994 Centers for Disease Control’s diagnostic criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
with no comorbidities
were recruited and were age matched to a control group of 40 healthy women.
Levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), LDL cholesterol (LDLc),
HDL cholesterol (HDLc), and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured.
Although initial statistical analyses showed no differences between groups (P=.345),
when subdivided according to the level of MDA,
a difference was found in the subgroup of high-level MDA (P=.034).
There was
a negative correlation
between HDLc and MDA levels (r=0.3; P=.046),
a positive correlation
between TG and MDA levels (r=0.4; P=.006), and lower levels of HDL cholesterol
in the CFS group (P=.036).
High levels of MDA, positively correlated with TG and lower HDL levels,
might be indicative of proatherogenic events
in female CFS patients,
a group not otherwise considered a risk for atherosclerosis.
PMID: 21119582
key words:
lipid peroxidation • chronic fatigue syndrome • MDA • atherosclerosis