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Oxidatie van

lipiden en

eiwitten (proteïnen)

duiden op

verhoogde oxidatieve stress

in ME/CVS.








Volgens een recente studie van Tomic, Brkic en collega's in Clinical Research duiden

hoge concentraties tryglyceriden, malondialdehyde en protein oxidation protein carbonyl en

lage concentraties HDL (high density lipoproteïne) cholesterol ("goed" cholesterol) op verhoogde oxidatieve (en nitrosative) stress en een verhoogd risico op atherosclerose (aderverkalking).


Onderzoekers hebben herhaaldelijk oxidatieve (en nitrosatieve) stress in ME/CVS vastgesteld,

o.a. Medow et al. (2012), Shungu et al. (2012), Kennedy et al. (2010) en Jammes et al. (2009).




De opmerking dat het risico op atherosclerose bij ME/CVS-patiënten laag is, komt wat vreemd over.


In 2009 hebben we een artikel gepubliceerd waarin de verhoogde kans op cardiovasculaire aandoe-ningen als gevolg van diverse afwijkingen (o.a. oxidatieve en nitrosatieve stress) benadrukt wordt.


De conclusie van dat overzichtsartikel luidde:



ME/CFS is a multisystemic metabolic-inflammatory disorder.

The aberrations in IO&NS pathways may increase the risk for cardiovascular disorders.



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Enkele relevante citaten uit de studie:



High levels of MDA are indicative of oxidative stress.


The MDA is potentially very noxious [22]

and its toxicity can be directed towards cardiovascular stability.


Primarily, MDA reacts with apoB fractions of oxidized lipoproteins (LDL),

which causes impaired interaction of the modified lipoproteins and macrophages.


This phenomenon is the basis of atherogenicity.




The second significant finding in the CFS group was

raised levels of CO, the product of protein oxidation.




The third important finding of our study was

the unfavorable lipoprotein profiles in the CFS group.


We found

significantly lower levels of HDL-C and higher levels of TG in the study group.


HDL-C is the beneficial form of blood cholesterol

which protects the artery wall from atherosclerosis.


Even in individuals whose LDL levels are low,

HDL remains a strong independent predictor of coronary artery disease risk.


Besides preventing cholesterol accumulation in cells of the artery wall,

HDL-C acts as an anti-inflammatory agent

by degrading lipid oxidation products.




We also suggest a follow-up of our group of patients

which should include an imaging technique

in order to assess possible early atherosclerosis.




We suggest that in this otherwise low risk group

there are signs of possible early atherogenesis.







Lipid and protein oxidation in female patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Arch Med Sci. 2012 Nov 9;8(5):886-91. doi: 10.5114/aoms.2012.31620.

Tomic S, Brkic S, Maric D, Mikic AN.


Clinic for Infectious Diseases,

Clinical Center Vojvodina,

Novi Sad,







Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a widely recognized problem, characterized by

prolonged, debilitating fatigue and a characteristic group of accompanying symptoms,

that occurs four times more frequently in women than in men.


The aim of the study was

to determine the existence of

oxidative stress and its possible consequences

in female patients with CFS.





Twenty-four women aged 15-45

who fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for CFS with no comorbidities

were recruited and were age matched to a control group of 19 healthy women.


After conducting the routine laboratory tests,

levels of

the lipid oxidation product malondialdehyde (MDA) and

protein oxidation protein carbonyl (CO)

were determined.





The CFS group had

higher levels of triglycerides (p = 0.03), MDA (p = 0.03) and CO (p = 0.002) and

lower levels of HDL cholesterol (p = 0.001)

than the control group.


There were

no significant differences in the levels of total protein, total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol.





The CFS group had

an unfavorable lipid profile and

signs of oxidative stress induced damage to lipids and proteins.


These results might be indicative of

early proatherogenic processes

in this group of patients who are otherwise at low risk for atherosclerosis.


Antioxidant treatment and life style changes are indicated for women with CFS,

as well as closer observation in order to assess the degree of atherosclerosis.



PMID: 23185200


PMCID: PMC3506242