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22% herstel met CGT en GET.


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In response op een recent artikel van Wilshire, Kindlon, Matthees en McGrath,

die de "herstelcijfers" voor CGT, GET, "pacing" en standaard-medische zorg voor de PACE-trial

op basis van de (weinig strikte) "herstelcriteria" van het PACE-trial protocol berekenden

en op zeer lage "herstelcijfers" (zonder significante verschillen tussen groepen) uitkwamen,

komen de PACE-trail auteurs nu weer met hun 22%-herstelclaim uit 2013 op de proppen.


Er gaat bij de onderzoekers kennelijk iets goed fout met de cognities (overtuigingen) en het gedrag...

Daarvoor is een oplossing...




Do more people recover from chronic fatigue syndrome with cognitive behaviour therapy

or graded exercise therapy than with other treatments?

Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior. 2017 Feb 15.

doi: 10.1080/21641846.2017.1288629

M. Sharpe, T. Chalder, A. L. Johnson, K. A. Goldsmith, P. D. White.


Received 25 Jan 2017,

Accepted 26 Jan 2017,

Published online: 15 Feb 2017






Wilshire et al. suggest that we have overestimated

the number of patients that recover from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

after receiving a course of either cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) or graded exercise therapy (GET),

as reported in a secondary analysis of outcome data

from the Pacing, graded Activity and Cognitive behavior therapy; a randomized Evaluation (PACE) trial.


We provide counter-arguments to this view.





To provide an alternative view to that offered by Wilshire et al.





We review the two different analyses of PACE trial outcome data to estimate recovery, and

compare these to other published trials and cohort studies.





While there is no gold standard for recovery from CFS,

previous trials and cohort studies provide support for our analysis of recovery in the PACE trial.


Our finding that 22% of participants recover from the current episode of CFS after either CBT or GET,

compared to 8% after adaptive pacing therapy and 7% after specialist medical care alone,

is consistent with the literature.





Our original conclusions that '...recovery from CFS is possible, and

that CBT and GET are the therapies most likely to lead to recovery’

is an important, reasonable, and hopeful message for both clinicians and patients.






Chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, cognitive behaviour therapy, graded exercise therapy, recovery