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leidt tot afname van neurokognitieve klachten

bij een deel van de ME/CVS-patiënten






Uit een studie van Evengard, met een kleine groep ME/CVS-patiënten, blijkt dat

een korte periode (4 weken)

probiotika (kombinatie van Lactobacillus F19, L. acidophilus NCFB en B. lactis Bb12).

een positief effekt heeft op het kognitieve klachten (koncentreren, onthouden etc.)

bij een deel van de patienten.


De probiotika leidt, volgens de auteurs, niet tot een verbetering

als het gaat om vermoeidheid en fysiek inspanningsvermogen.




Enkele opvallende citaten uit het studierapport:



The CFS patients have a cytokine imbalance in the peripheral blood compartment and the system is biased towards a T-helper (Th) 2 type immunity-oriented pattern. This is reflected in the high incidence of allergies in CFS patients.


There is evidence suggesting that the intestinal microflora of patients with IBS differs from that of healthy individuals and that the patients have an abnormal fermentation of food residues. The intestinal microflora in CFS patients have also been shown to be altered with low levels of Escherichia coli and Bifidobacterium species and with significant increased numbers of enterococci compared to healthy controls.


An elevated number of Candida albicans in the faecal microflora of CFS patients during the acute phase of illness has recently been reported.


Recently it has also been pointed that oxidative stress and food intolerance might be involved in the pathogenesis of CFS and in the symptom presentation. It is still uncertain whether oxidative stress is a cause or a result of the disease.


Hé, hoe kan dat nou? Onze "vermoeidheidsdeskundigen" beweren toch altijd bij

hoog en laag dat er geen lichamelijke afwijkingen bij ME/CVS-patiënten te vinden zijn?


The patients did not suffer from lactose intolerance or underlying chronic inflammatory diseases.


De selektie van patienten komt op mij nogal merkwaardig over.

Bij een deel van de patiénten wordt lactose-intolerantie vastgesteld en

veel, zo niet alle ME/CVS-patiënten hebben te maken met chronische inflammatie.

Hoe de inflammatie vastgesteld werd, wordt uit het studieverslag niet duidelijk.


Several trials have been performed on the effect of probiotics in IBS. The administration of probiotics resulted in reduced flatulence and abdominal pain in three of the studies. However, in one study where enterocoated tablets were used and in one where a lower concentration of probiotic lactobacilli were administered, no effect was observed.


It has been suggested that supplements with lactic acid producing bacteria apart from modifying the microflora also deviate the immune phenotype and correct the Th2-type bias that promotes allergy.


Lactic acid producing bacteria have recently been suggested as therapeutic agents in the treatment of CFS. Potential benefits for CFS patients could be regulation of the composition of the microflora, the impact on the cytokine balance and the action of the probiotic strains as antioxidants.


Faecal calprotectin has been shown to closely correlate with colonic macroscopic and histological inflammation... Faecal calprotectin levels were normal in all patients (< 50 mg/kg faeces) although 3 patients had occasionally higher values (one sample per patient on days 14, 42 and 70 respectively).


No statistically significant alterations in the aerobic intestinal microflora were found while there was increased numbers of lactobacilli on day 42 and of veillonella on day 70. The probiotic strain Lactobacillus F19 was recovered from all patients on day 42.


Disturbances reported in the gut flora could not be reproduced in this study.


Gezien bovenstaande, schijnbaar strijdige konklusies, is de vraag gerechtvaardigd

of calprotectione en de koncentraties E.coli en Bifidobacterium in de ontlasting etc.

goede graadmeters zijn voor een ontregelde darmflora/verstoorde darmdysbiose.


As the bowel is an important organ for equilibrium in health the use of probiotics as “antifatigue-food” is a temptating treatment both from the point of cost and availability as from biological functions as the neurocognitive system can be influenced through immune reactions involving cytokines and anti-oxidants.


Laat het onze vermoeidheidsdeksundigen en "anti-kwakzalvers" het maar niet horen...




Effect of supplement with lactic-acid producing bacteria on fatigue and physical activity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

Nutrition Journal 2009, 8:4

Asa Sullivan, Carl E Nord, Birgitta Evengard



Disturbances in intestinal microbial ecology

and in the immune system of the host

have been implicated

as a part of the pathogenesis

in chronic fatigue syndrome.


Probiotic lactic acid producing bacteria

have been shown to prevent and alleviate gastrointestinal disturbances

and to normalize the cytokine profile

which might be of an advantage

for patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of

Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei F19,

Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFB 1748 and

Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12

on fatigue and physical activity in CFS patients.


Fifteen patients fulfilling the criteria

set by international researchers in the field

at the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in 1994

for chronic fatigue syndrome,

were included in the study.


The patients had high fatigue severity scores and high disability scores.


During the first two weeks baseline observations

without treatment were assessed,

succeeded by four weeks of intake of a probiotic product

and a four-week follow-up period.


The fatigue,

health and

physical activity

was assessed by the use of the Visual Analogue Scales and

the SF-12 Health Survey.


Faecal samples were collected

and the normal microflora was analysed.


Neurocognitive functions improved during the study period

while there were

no significant changes in fatigue and physical activity scores.


No major changes occurred in the gastrointestinal microflora.


At the end of the study

6 of 15 patients reported that

they had improved

according to the assessment described.


The findings in this study that

improvement of health is possible to achieve

should encourage further studies

with interventions with probiotics

in patients with CFS.









uitgebreid studierapport: