In een artikel in de Psychiatry Times beschrijft Eleanor Stein
kort en bondig
- de nieuwe internationale diagnosecriteria voor ME,
- de verschillen tussen ME en "voor de hand liggende" psychiatrische diagnoses (depressie etc.)
- de psychische "nevenaandoeningen" waarmee ME gepaard kan gaan,
- de mogelijke behandelwijzen voor deze psychische "nevenaandoeningen" .
In 2005 verscheen van de hand van Dr. Stein de uitgebreide brochure over
de diagnose van ME/CVS en de psychische "nevenaandoeningen" en behandelopties.
Klik op onderstaande afbeelding voor deze brochure:
In 2009 verscheen de brochure Beyond Tired van dr. Stein en anderen.
Klik op onderstaand logo voor meer informatie en de link naar de brochure:
Voor sheets en geluidsopnamen van een presentatie uit 2010, klik op onderstaande afbeelding:
Identifying and Treating Common Psychiatric Conditions
Comorbid with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and/or Fibromyalgia
Psychiatric Times. Vol. 29 No. 1 January 18, 2013
Eleanor Stein, MD
This article reviews the diagnostic criteria for
both myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) (ie, chronic fatigue syndrome) and fibromyalgia (FM) and
describes how to differentiate them from depressive and anxiety disorders,
the psychiatric conditions with which they are most often confused.
Despite thousands of peer-reviewed papers
documenting their unique characteristics and pathophysiology,
ME and FM continue to be mistaken for psychiatric conditions.
Postexertional malaise (immediate or delayed),
the pathognomonic symptom of ME,
is unusual in any psychiatric condition:
most psychiatric patients feel better rather than worse after mental or physical exertion.
Pain is not a core symptom of any common psychiatric condition
but is reported to be elevated in major depression.
Autonomic, neuroendocrine, and immune symptoms
are not common in any psychiatric condition.
Several antidepressant trials have been carried out in patients with ME,
and none has resulted in significant improvement of core symptoms
even when mood improves.
Accurately diagnosing ME, FM, and any comorbid psychiatric conditions
(when present) is the key to successful treatment.
Careful review of the diagnostic criteria/symptom profile for ME and FM
and identifying the pathognomonic symptoms
that are not part of any psychiatric condition
will allow accurate diagnosis.
Psychiatric conditions can be comorbid with ME and FM.
They should be looked for in every patient.
If they are present, the treatment will vary depending on
whether the psychiatric symptoms
began before, coincident with, or after the physical condition.
Met dank aan dr. Speedy (NICE guidelines blog) en enkele anderen.