Volgens een studie van Chalder, Wessely en collega's onder "CVS"-patiënten (Oxford-criteria etc.)
zijn het aantal mensen dat sterft en het aantal mensen dat aan kanker overlijdt niet hoger dan normaal,
maar is het aantal zelfdodingen wel hoger dan normaal (alhoewel de streekproef klein was).
De uitkomsten van deze studie staan (deels) haaks op die van een onderzoek van Jason e.a.,
die vaststelde dat ME/CVS-patienten beduidend jonger stierven aan kanker, hartfalen en zelfdoding.
Gelukkig biedt de juiste behandeling (u raadt het al) uitkomst....
CFS can be a debilitating disorder, which impacts patients' lives substantially,
so we need to ensure that patients are being offered the correct assessment and treatment."
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Mortality of people with chronic fatigue syndrome:
a retrospective cohort study in England and Wales
from the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Biomedical Research Centre
(SLaM BRC) Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) Register.
Lancet. 2016 Feb 9. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)01223-4.
Roberts E, Wessely S, Chalder T, Chang CK, Hotopf M.
Mortality associated with chronic fatigue syndrome is uncertain.
We investigated mortality in individuals diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome
in secondary and tertiary care using data from
the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Biomedical Research Centre (SLaM BRC)
Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) register.
We calculated standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) for
all-cause, suicide-specific, and cancer-specific mortality for a 7-year observation period
using the number of deaths observed in SLaM records
compared with age-specific and sex-specific mortality statistics for England and Wales.
Study participants were included
if they had had contact with the chronic fatigue service
(referral, discharge, or case note entry) and
received a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome.
We identified 2147 cases of chronic fatigue syndrome from CRIS and
17 deaths from Jan 1, 2007, to Dec 31, 2013.
1533 patients were women of whom 11 died, and
614 were men of whom six died.
There was no significant difference in
age-standardised and sex-standardised mortality ratios (SMRs)
for all-cause mortality (SMR 1·14, 95% CI 0·65–1·85; p=0·67) or
cancer-specific mortality (1·39, 0·60–2·73; p=0·45)
in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
when compared with the general population in England and Wales.
This remained the case when deaths from suicide were removed from the analysis.
There was a significant increase in suicide-specific mortality
(SMR 6·85, 95% CI 2·22–15·98; p=0·002).
We did not note increased all-cause mortality in people with chronic fatigue syndrome,
but our findings show a substantial increase in mortality from suicide.
This highlights the need for clinicians
to be aware of the increased risk of completed suicide and
to assess suicidality adequately in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.