Prof. Malcolm Hooper
heeft in Londen van de Noorse ME Associatie een prijs ontvangen
voor zijn rol en inzet als belangenbehartiger/spreekbuis door de jaren heen.

The ME Award for prof. Hooper
London, 31st May 2013
Professor Malcolm Hooper
has stood on the barricades for years and fought for ME from many angles.
He is described as a real "warrior", which is very true.
It is noteworthy that he is fighting for a disease
with which he has no personal involvement.
He has written informative documents,
published articles in international journals and fought politically.
He gives lectures and has often spoken out against opponents such as Professor Simon Wessely,
and other key individuals and institutions in the psychosocial environment.
In addition, he has been an active part of the work of Invest in ME,
has chaired their conferences several times, and
has been their professional supporter.
The Norwegian ME Association has, on many occasions,
approached him for advice in specific situations, and
has benefited from the advice he has given in our struggle for recognition in Norway.
On behalf of the Norwegian ME Association
it gives me great pleasure to present this ME Award to Professor Malcolm Hooper
for his untiring and exceptional contribution to the ME cause.