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WPI versus Mikovits:

The soap continues...








Recht is recht en krom is krom.


Ben geen soapliefhebber, maar de soap WPI vs. Mikovits verdient een Grammy.

Eigenlijk is de soap meer een horror story ten koste van duizenden patiënten!


Naar nu blijkt heeft de rechter die in de zaak WPI - Mikovits de eis van het WPI gegrond verklaarde in het verleden "campagnecontributies" van de Whittemores ontvangen.


Je mond valt open van verbazing...







Judge in Whittemore Peterson Institute case considers recusing self



Written by Martha Bellisle

4:42 PM, Mar. 14, 2012



Update at 4:40 p.m.:


While the federal grand jury heard testimony Wednesday on Harvey Whittemore’s campaign contribution practices, a state judge said he was considering leaving a civil case filed by the lobbyist’s medical institute because he received $10,400 in campaign contributions from Whittemore.


Washoe District Judge Brent Adams has been overseeing a case filed by the Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Imune Disease against researcher Dr. Judy Mikovits, who took documents and notebooks with her after she was fired last year.


Adams had ruled against Mikovits saying she did not comply with his order to return all of the materials to the institute. When the two sides met Wednesday morning to discuss a hearing on damages, Adams surprised the lawyers by disclosing that he had received $10,400 in contributions from Whittemore and his family.






Met dank aan Lajla Mark.