Whittemore-Peterson Institute:


ME/CVS is een afweerziekte,

genetische afwijkingen overerfd,

maar ook door virussen tot stand gebracht






Anne Whittemore en Judy Mikovits van het Whittemore Peterson Institute

werden op 12 maart 2009 geïnterviewd door Sam Shad van Nevada Newsmakers.


In dit interview vertelt Judy Mikovits dat men genetische afwijkingen gevonden heeft,

en dat is iets anders dan genetische genenaktiviteit,

die ertoe leiden dat Natural Killer-cellen hun werk niet goed doen,

omdat zaken ontbreken of omdat de genen juist vertellen om niets te doen.


De afwijkingen kunnen via ouders en grootouders doorgegeven zijn,

maar ook door virussen etc. veroorzaakt worden teneinde te kunnen overleven.


En nu maar hopen dat die virussen en genenafwijkingen

zich iets van gedragstherapie aantrekken!



Voor het gehele interview klik op onderstaande afbeelding.





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You know, we should explain to those that may not be as familiar with this,

exactly what is Chronic Fatigue and the surrounding illnesses?



Judy Mikovits:


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a syndrome of symptoms

in that some of the problems that- and immune defects,

defects in your immune system's response to viruses and pathogens,

so you won't respond the same as a healthy person.


We've- new research- we've discovered some of the underlying causes,

the genetics that are involved,

with why some family members get the disease and others don't, so-





So then what would they be?

Because this is groundbreaking research.



Judy Mikovits:


Asolutely and they're is what is called the Natural Killer Cells,

so this is your front line defense against viruses,

and we've known for more than twenty years that they simply don't kill.


So they are supposed to kill, and they're there and they don't kill,

and we've found that there are actually genetic susceptibility markers

that are not there, or that tell the cells not to kill

in a large proportion of the patients

that we're looking at with the National Cancer Institute.





Ok now,

does this mean that this is like handed down from parents and grandparents,

or is this something that may be caused by the environment?



Judy Mikovits:


Both actually.

Because the particular genes we're looking at

are handed down from parents and grandparents,

but they're also changed by the environment - by viruses.


Viruses and pathogens are very smart and they can tell -

they want to avoid the immune response, because that's it's job.

So they literally are modulated or changed by the virus so that they can't respond.


And we've made some discoveries as to

what viruses are there changing these receptors.


So even if you don't inherit it genetically,

you're showing it by your response.





Now in the coming month here we're going to have the winner of the DRI Gold Medal,

and he's one of the people responsible for mapping the human genome,

how is the human genome situation affect the markers, etc. you have

and what benefits could it have?



Judy Mikovits:


Well we've actually done that exact same mapping

with sixty patients in the area here in Reno and the surrounding area, so in Nevada.

We've done that exact same mapping

and we're currently finding out all the exciting answers from those- that research so-





For example?



Judy Mikovits:


For example we've found

several response genes in your immune response genes that are altered

or that had a single base pair change that makes them non-functional.


I can't say which genes prior to publications,

but they're genes that we might expect,

because they tell the immune response to turn on or off.





And are we at the point where you can actually reverse that?



Judy Mikovits:


Yes, absolutely.


There are immune modulating agents and therapeutics on the market right now,

largely that we use in cancer therapy, that can actually be translated.


And that's the goal of our institute, to translate things into treatments right now.