XMRV on tour:

symposia mei 2010









Uit onbevestigde bronnen heb ik vernomen dat dr. Peterson, dr. de Meirleir en dr. Frémont

eind mei 2010 een aantal symposia zullen verzorgen

met het doel (huis)artsen, fysiotherapeuten etc. voor te lichten over XMRV.


Op het kaartje hieronder ziet U het (voorlopige?) programma van deze "tournee".


De werktitel van de symposia luidt:

XMRV - a novel retrovirus: what doctors should know about it.


Nadere informatie volgt wellicht binnenkort.









Aanvullende informatie m.b.t. het symposium in Madrid en Oslo.






"XMRV: a novel retrovirus".

What clinicians should know about it.


Rikshospitalet, Auditorium A3.3067, Oslo,

Friday May 28, 2010, 12.00 – 14.00 (noon – 2 pm)





Professor Fredrik Müller, department of microbiology, Rikshospitalet, Oslo


What is XMRV?


Dr. med. Daniel Peterson, Incline Village, Nevada, USA


XMRV in CFS/ME and in other diseases


Professor Kenny De Meirleir, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium


Question and answer session



Topics covered in this seminar :

  • What is the Xenotropic MurineLeukemia Virus-related Virus?
  • Its estimated prevalence
  • How is XMRV transmitted (little which is know about it)
  • Current testing
  • Blood bank surveillance and recommendations
  • Current treatment trials
  • Current and future trials
  • Clinical experience to date
  • Monkey studies
  • CFS/ME studies
  • Prostate cancer studies
  • Vaccine – possible ?
  • European planned basic and clinical studies





Conference on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Related Diseases

International experts talk about the XMRV and more


NOVOCLINIC (Madrid), 26 mei 2010







Dr. Hector Ara Sanz

Presentation and opening


XMRV, a novel retrovirus


Dr. Daniel Peterson

Wat is XMRV?


Dr. Kenny De Meirleir

XMRV in CFS and in other diseases


Dr. Marc Fremont

Laboratory assays for XMRV detection


CFS: a gut-immune-neurotoxic disorder?


Dr. Kenny De Meirleir

Is it all in the gut?


Dr. Marc Fremont

Herpesvirus and parvovirus B19 DNA in the gastric and intestinal mucosa of patients with CFS


Dr. Chris Roelant

The NMT kit: a disease monitoring self-test




Met dank aan Erik mij de aanvullende informatie toezond.