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Amy Docker Marcus:

FDA advisory committee

to hear about

XMRV working group’s research

(Wall Street Journal).






In de blog-sektie van de Wall Street Journal deze week twee artikelen van Amy Docker Marcus, die de recente ontwikkelingen en de oplopende kontroverse rond XMRV feitelijk beschrijven.






FDA Advisory Committee to Hear About XMRV Working Group’s Research



Health Blog


By Amy Dockser Marcus


July 26, 2010



Public health officials have been working for months to understand whether the XMRV virus poses a risk to the nation’s blood supply. The concern was sparked by a paper published last year in Science that detected the virus in the blood of 67% of chronic fatigue syndrome patients, compared to just 3.7% of healthy controls.








By Amy Dockser Marcus



The controversy surrounding XMRV, a virus that has been linked to chronic-fatigue syndrome and prostate cancer, has been heating up recently.


Earlier this month, CDC researchers published a paper in Retrovirology that reported the absence of XMRV in either the CFS patients studied or healthy controls. A much-anticipated study by researchers from the FDA and NIH supposedly reached a different conclusion, finding the virus in the blood of CFS patients. It’s expected to run in the journal PNAS but has yet to be published.

