Naar aanleiding van e-mail verkeer met Myra McClure en de inhoud van de XMRV-studies
somt een ME-de-patient de argumenten op waarom een XMRV/MLV-ME/CVS-link geen toeval lijkt.
Een verband zegt uiteraard nog niets over de rol van XMRV/MLV in ME/CVS (oorzaak, gevolg?).
Conversing With Professor Myra McClure about XMRV and Contamination
September 27, 2010 by cfssufferer
This is the empirical evidence supporting a CFS-XMRV/MLV link:
- XMRV from patient samples has been seen from a transmission electron microscope.
- XMRV has been grown in a petri dish and uninfected human cells have been infected by it.
- The Lo et al. paper saw the MLV related virus mutate over a 15 year period in 7 individuals.
- XMRV has produced antibodies in CFS patients.
- XMRV from CFS patient samples has been sequenced and it has been deemed to be distinct from every known murine ERV.
- The XMRV found in a high percentage of CFS patients is almost identical to the XMRV found in prostate cancer patients.
- A diversity of MLV’s have been detected in CFS patients. This is consistent with a retroviral infection.
- Five laboratories have published data showing a high prevalence of XMRV in CFS patients as opposed to controls.
- These laboratories have found non-ubiquitous and comparable levels of MLV related virus in CFS patients and controls from several studies.
- Three further studies have found comparable levels (to the other five laboratories) of XMRV in controls.
All of these laboratories have found XMRV in a noticeable percentage of controls.
- Countless contamination tests have come back negative for all studies detecting XMRV in both CFS patients and controls.
Some of these tests have even been created by authors of XMRV negative studies.
These tests have still failed to detect any traces of contamination in the XMRV positive samples.
- Hanson et al. have independently confirmed the Lombardi et al. study.
The following is the empirical evidence in favour of the contamination hypothesis:
- Four studies have failed to find XMRV in CFS patients or controls.
Met dank aan Erik die mij attent maakte op bovenstaande interview.