70% van de patiënten XMRV-positief

in onderzoek Dr. José Alegre (Barcelona)







Dr. José Martin Alegre heeft op een kongres in Barcelon aangegeven dat

70% van de door hem en zijn kollega's onderzochte patienten XMRV-positief was.


Volgens dr. Alegre vormt

de wijze waarop het immuunsysteem reageert op geďnfekteerde cellen

de sleutel tot de biologische mechanismen die tot ME/CVS leiden.


Het bloedonderzoek werd niet bij VipDX (eigendom van WPI) uitgevoerd.


Het is te hopen dat de studie, met daarin alle "details", spoedig gepubliceerd wordt.






Spanish Researchers Find XMRV in 70% of ME/CFS Patient Samples


The following translation of a Nov 2 Spanish language news release has been posted by the European Society for ME research thinktank (http://www.esme-eu.com). The research it describes was presented at an ME/CFS research conference in Barcelona.



Barcelona, November 2 (EFE)



Researchers at the Hospital Vall d'Hebron in Barcelona found that 70% of a sample of patients tested positive for the retrovirus.

[Note: the testing was conducted in Barcelona, not sent back to the U.S.]


The Barcelona researchers noted that this is a significant finding in understanding the etiology of CFS. They stated that the key to the mechanisms that contribute to the onset of CFS can be found in the body's response to cells infected with XMRV.


CFS is an immunological disease that is diagnosed after a patient has suffered six months of debilitating fatigue. Other symptoms include difficulty functioning in the morning, exercise intolerance, restless sleep and cognitive dysfunction that affects the patient's ability to concentrate, significantly lowering their intellectual performance.


Dr. José Alegre, scientific coordinator of the conference, explained that the prevalence of CFS in Spain is estimated at 1% of the adult population between 25 and 50 years. The prevalence is 2% among women, particularly those between 35 and 40. It also is more prevalent among women with higher educations.


Valley of Hebron Hospital [Hospital Vall d'Hebron] is a referral center for CFS and is currently studying about 1,500 victims, including 50 children and 200 young people between 16 and 23.



Translated by Mary Schweitzer.


Original Spanish Language source: http://www.abc.es/agencias/noticia.asp?noticia=574407




Spaans persbericht:


(rubriek News)


Spaans persbericht:

