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Singh doet aanbevelingen

m.b.t. de opzet van

toekomstige XMRV-studies.







In een artikel doet Dr. Ila Singh een aantal aanbevelingen voor XMRV/MLV-studies,

o.m. m.b.t. de selektie van de patiëntengroep en gezonde proefpersonen en

de wijze waarop de bloedmonsters afgenomen, verzameld én onderzocht worden.


Het is te hopen dat de "task force" ingesteld door de Amerikaanse overheid,

onder leiding van W. Ian Lipkin, de aanbevelingen serieus neemt.

De belangen (met name van het CDC) zijn te groot om dat niet te doen.



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What’s Next for X (as in XMRV)?


By Amy Dockser Marcus

November 4, 2010, 4:54 PM ET



It’s been over a year since researchers found the retrovirus XMRV in the blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Now many people are asking: What’s next for X?




A paper published yesterday in the journal Viruses outlines the steps researchers should take in designing studies into whether XMRV is linked to CFS.




Among Singh’s suggestions:

  • Studies should have large numbers of patients,
  • all of whom have been diagnosed according to well-recognized criteria for CFS.

  • The number of healthy people used in studies as controls should also be large and
  • come from the same geographic area as the patients.

  • Blood samples from both patients and controls
  • should be collected and treated the same way.

  • Researchers shouldn’t know whether the samples they’re studying are
  • from CFS patients or healthy controls.

  • And more than one kind of XMRV-detecting test should be used.





Detecting Retroviral Sequences in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Viruses. 2010;2:2404-2408. doi:10.3390/v2112404

Ila R. Singh



XMRV or xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related retrovirus, a recently discovered retrovirus,

has been linked to both prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).



the teams of Drs. Shyh-Ching Lo and Harvey Alter discovered the presence of

sequences closely related to XMRV in the blood of 86.5% of patients with CFS [1].


These findings are important because since the initial discovery of XMRV in CFS,

several studies have failed to find XMRV in specimens collected from CFS patients.


While the current study also did not find XMRV in CFS,

Lo et al. did detect sequences that belong to

polytropic mouse endogenous retroviruses (PMV),

which share considerable similarity with XMRV.


Criteria for future studies that will help bring greater clarity to the issue of retroviral sequences in CFS are proposed below.




polytropic and modified polytropic viruses; XMRV; PMV; M-PMV