In Nature (News) deze week een uitgebreid artikel over XMRV, Mikovits, "second thoughts"
bij Silverman, de bron van onenigheid tussen Mikovits en Peterson, een "nieuwe" verklaring
voor de vondst van XMRV (vervuiling van bloedmonsters met een virus dat door experimen-
ten met muizen ontstaan zou zijn uit twee andere virussen: proXMRV1 en proXMRV2), etc.
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Enkele citaten uit het artikel:
Mikovits is riled when the topic turns to Towers's paper over dinner one night in Reno
— "Christmas garbage", she calls it.
Contamination cannot explain why her team can reproduce its results
both in her lab in Reno and at Ruscetti's at the NCI, she says.
Her team checks for contamination in reagents and in the cells it grows the patients' samples with.
She says that her team has also collected viral sequences that will address Towers's and Kellam's criticism
but that it hasn't yet been able to publish them.
The implication, says Coffin, is that this virus, born in a laboratory,
has probably been infecting samples for more than a decade, but not people.
"Although people on the blogs aren't going to believe me,
I'm afraid this is by far the most reasonable explanation for how XMRV came to be," says Coffin...