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tegen XMRV-enveloppe

in het bloed van muizen

is van korte duur.








Volgens een studie van Makarova, Petros en kollega's is de antistoffen-afweerresponse

in het bloed van muizen 3 weken na infektie met XMRV nagenoeg verdwenen.


Een mogelijke verklaring voor deze observatie is de lage immunogeniciteit van XMRV

(de mate waarin XMRV een afweerreaktie uitlokt, bijv. in de vorm van antistoffen),

mogelijk omdat XMRV het afweersysteem weet te onderdrukken (overlevingsmechanisme).


Volgens de auteurs bevestigt hun studie de bevindingen van Villinger at al. bij makaken.

Kanttekening: bij makaken duurt het veel langer aleer de antistoffen-afweer afneemt.


Overigens wil het afnemen van de hoeveelheid antistoffen uiteraard niet zeggen dat de infektie uit het bloed en het lichaam verdwenen is: retrovirussen nestelen zich in het DNA.


Volgens de auteurs zouden hun bevindingen (dat afweerstoffen al vrij snel niet meer in het bloed te vinden zijn) mede de tegenstrijdige resultaten van studies kunnen verklaren.






Antibody responses against xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus envelope in a murine model

PLoS ONE. 2002. 6(4): e18272. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018272

Makarova N, Zhao C, Zhang Y, Bhosle S, Suppiah S, Rhea JM, Kozyr N, Ar­nold RS, Ly H, Molinaro RJ, Parslow TG, Hunter E, Liotta D, Petros P, Blackwell JL.





Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV)

was recently discovered to be the first human gammaretrovirus

that is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome and prostate cancer (PC).


Although a mechanism for XMRV carcinogenesis is yet to be established,

this virus belongs to the family of gammaretroviruses

well known for their ability to induce cancer in the infected hosts.


Since its original identification

XMRV has been detected in several independent investigations;

however, at this time significant controversy remains

regarding reports of XMRV detection/prevalence

in other cohorts and cell type/tissue distribution.


The potential risk of human infection,

coupled with the lack of knowledge about the basic biology of XMRV,

warrants further research, including investigation of adaptive immune responses.


To study immunogenicity in vivo,

we vaccinated mice

with a combination of recombinant vectors

expressing codon-optimized sequences of XMRV gag and env genes and

virus-like particles (VLP) that had the size and morphology of live infectious XMRV.





Immunization elicited

Env-specific binding and neutralizing antibodies (NAb) against XMRV in mice.


The peak titers for

ELISA-binding antibodies and NAb were 1:1024 and 1:464, respectively;

however, high ELISA-binding and NAb titers

were not sustained and persisted for less than three weeks after immunizations.





Vaccine-induced XMRV Env antibody titers were transiently high,

but their duration was short.


The relatively rapid diminution in antibody levels

may in part explain the differing prevalences reported

for XMRV in various prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome cohorts.


The low level of immunogenicity observed in the present study

may be characteristic of a natural XMRV infection in humans.