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argumenten tegen

de kontaminatietheorie









In een kort artikel in de Lancet geeft Magiorkinis aan dat de geringe genetische variatie,

aangevoerd door Hue en kollega's als een argument voor de kontaminatietheorie,

en gelet op de gedegen bewijsvoering van Lombardi et al. (inklusief afweerresponse).

erop wijst dat de patiënten blootgesteld zijn aan een gemeenschappelijke besmettingsbron.






Mouse viruses and human disease.

The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Volume 11, Issue 4, Page 264, April 2011.


Gkikas Magiorkinis



Recent evidence claims to show that the link between xenotropic murine leukaemia virus-related virus (XMRV) and chronic fatigue syndrome and prostate cancer is probably a result of laboratory contamination.





Finally, the most interesting piece of evidence is the molecular evolution of the samples isolated from patients, cell-lines, and mice proving that XMRV has not been circulating between human beings.


Nevertheless, the paper by Lombardi and colleagues that began this debate provided solid evidence based not only on the molecular identification of the virus, but also on immunolo-gical responses of the host (virus-specific antibodies), viral expression in patients' peripheral blood mononuclear cells (flow cytometry), and an infection model (infection of cultured hu-man cells from patients' samples). Recently, a model of rhesus macaques enforced the evidence for the infectious potential of XMRV. The immunological and infection evidence cannot be explained by nucleic acid contaminations. Thus, the only explanation for the molecular evolution data, from a study by Hue and colleagues, is that the patients have been infected by a common source of XMRV and not through human contact.

