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XMRV-positieve ME/CVS-patiënten hebben een duidelijke immunologische handtekening.


Volgens Lombardi et al. onderscheidt de genexpressie van 10 chemokines en cytokines

(meer: IL-8, MIP-1β, MIP-1α, TNF-α, IL-6 en MCP-1, minder: IL-13, IL-7, IFN-α en GM-CSF)

XMRV-positieve ME/CVS-patiënten van gezonde XMRV-negatieve proefpersonen

met een specificiteit van 93% (percentage dat terecht negatief bevonden wordt)

en een sensitiviteit van 96% (percentage dat terecht positief bevonden wordt).


De 10 chemokines/cytokines zijn in volgorde van belangrijkheid hieronder weergegeven.





Er is tevens een duidelijk verschil in chemokine/cytokineprofielen van XMRV-positieven

met én zonder kloon-populaties van γ-δ T-cellen (klonen: kopiëen van hetzelfde origineel)

wat betreft de meest relevante chemokines/cytokines: IL-8, IL-6, MIP-1β, MIP-1α, en TNF-α.


γ-δ T-cellen spelen een belangrijke rol in het regisseren van de afweerresponse en het definitief opruimen van de tegenstander. Grote kloonpopulaties van γ-δ T-cellen kunnen duiden op T-cel afwijkingen (veel kopieën met eenzelfde afwijking).



Blijft gek dat je met een cytokine/chemokineprofiel "laboratoriumvervuiling" kunt opsporen....



U kunt de volledige tekst van de studie downloaden via deze link (45 sekonden wachttijd!)




Citaten uit de studie:



Of the 26 cytokines and chemokines assayed,

19 were differentially expressed

as determined

by log-transformed Students t-test

at the 99% confidence level:

11 were up-regulated,

8 were down-regulated and

7 did not reach statistical significance

when comparing the CFS group to the control group (Table II).




The final model accurately identified

128 out of the 138 controls (93% specificity) and

accurately identified 113 out of 118 patients (96% sensitivity).




To further demonstrate that the three groups

(patients with γ-δ T-cell clonality, patients without, and controls)

represent discrete populations,

we performed correlation analysis on five of the most significant cytokines and chemokines (IL-8, IL-6, MIP-1β, MIP-1α, and TNF-α).


Correlation between IL-6 and IL-8 was significantly different between the three groups,

as was the correlation between IL-8 and MIP-1β and MIP-1α.


In addition,

almost perfect correlation was observed

between TNF-α, MIP-1β and MIP-1α in the control group,

however, the correlation was

less strong in the patient population with γ-δ T-cell clonality and

even less in the non-clonal patients (Table III).




This study clearly demonstrates

XMRV-infected CFS patients

display an inflammatory cytokine and chemokine signature

that distinguishes them from healthy control subjects.




Consistent with a γ-δ T-cell involvement,

our analysis shows

the up-regulation of MIP-1, MIP-1, TNF-and IL-10,

all of which are produced by γ-δ-T-cells.




This study supports the hypothesis that

CFS patients are at greater risk for developing lymphoma

as a consequence of their inflammatory condition.




Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus-associated chronic fatigue syndrome reveals a distinct inflammatory signature.

In Vivo. 2011;25:307-314.

Vincent C. Lombardi, Kathryn S. Hagen, Kenneth W. Hunter, John W. Diamond, Julie Smith-Gagen, Wei Yang, Judy A. Mikovits.







The recent identification of

xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV)

in the blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

establishes that a

retrovirus may play a role in the pathology in this disease.


Knowledge of the immune response

might lead to a better understanding of

the role XMRV plays in this syndrome.


Our objective was to investigate

the cytokine and chemokine response in XMRV-associated CFS.



Materials and Methods:


Using Luminex multi-analyte profiling technology,

we measured cytokine and chemokine values

in the plasma of XMRV-infected CFS patients and

compared these data to those of healthy controls.


Analysis was performed using

the Gene Expression Pattern Analysis Suite and

the Random Forest tree classification algorithm.





This study identifies

a signature of 10 cytokines and chemokines

which correctly identifies XMRV/CFS patients

with 93% specificity and 96% sensitivity.





These data show, for the first time,

an immunological pattern associated with XMRV/CFS.